Monday, December 16, 2013

Thanks for your compliments. This cemetery was not the same as true neo-Nazis bijkwamen / out. This

On May 8, 1985, forty years after the end of World War II, held the German President Richard von Weizsäcker a speech to the Bundestag. In this so-called 8 Mai reason the Federal President, the style outlets conscious of the German past.
The speech should be seen in the broader context of a 'reminder the style outlets offensive "that was used. Among Helmut Kohl in the mid-eighties This meant specifically meant for example the creation of the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, where German history is displayed after 1945. The increased accountability of the past led to a controversy when Helmut Kohl visited a military cemetery in Bitburg with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, where German soldiers were buried. Later it was found that the SS were killed here. Although it was not the intention of Kohl to honor him this was not much diminished in the public mind this. German intellectuals the style outlets as Günter Grass and Jürgen Habermas delivered fierce criticism of the actions of Kohl. Helmut Kohl and Ronald Reagan in Bitburg (May 5, 1985)
Three days later, on May 8, 1945, the German Federal the style outlets President spoke to the Bundestag. In this speech he stated: "Der 8. Mai ist für uns Deutsche kein Tag zum Feiern. Those Men who haben ihn Bewusst erlebt think an ganz ganz persönliche und damit unterschiedliche Erfahrungen zurück. Der eine kehrte heim, the other wurde Heimatlos. Wurde dieser befreit, für jenen begann that Gefangenschaft. Viele were einfach nur dafür grateful, dass Bombennächte und Angst und sie mit dem Leben vorüber davongekommen were. Other empfanden Schmerz the style outlets über die Vollständige Niederlage appropriating Vater des Landes. the style outlets Provoke positions Deutsche vor zerrissenen Illusionen, grateful other Deutsche für den geschenkten neuen Anfang "And then set Weizsächer in a phrase that seems to contradict the above:. This way he connected the suffering of Germans with that of Europe as a whole. The speech was also well received in Europe. The text has been translated into more than twenty languages. Prince Claus said that the acceptance of him as a German in the Netherlands after the speech was increased. Later that year visited Weizsäcker Israel. This was the first official state visit of a German to Israel. The speech and the visit can be seen as a new phase of the acceptance of Germany in Europe. "Der 8. Mai war ein Tag der Befreiung. the style outlets Er hat uns von dem man despises all befreit System assigns the nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. "Richard von Weizsäcker lays a wreath at the grave of David Ben-Gurion (October 1985)
My compliments for your writing style and interesting subject! It was known to me from the cemetery where were buried, the style outlets SS is the same cemetery where neo-Nazis came together to commemorate the SS Reply Delete
Thanks for your compliments. This cemetery was not the same as true neo-Nazis bijkwamen / out. This is known as Ulrich Berg Treffen Klagenfurt in Austria. Reply Delete
This is the blog of the College German Studies I (2012) History of the courses / German Language and Culture at the University Groningen.Het includes posts in Dutch and in German on German history after 1945. The college has since afgesloten.Voor questions the style outlets and comments: Peter Groenewold
1 Gesellschaft (20) 2 Politik (51) 3 Leit Ideen (19) 4 Culture (22) 5 Deutsche Frage (21) 6 Europe (26) Bildende Kuenste (5) DDR (13) Feminismus (3) Film (10) Literature ( 11) Printmedien (4) Rules and organization (1)
Austria, the small Bruder Deutschlands
2013 (15) July (13) May (2) 2012 (121) Soon (19) Wohin mit deutschem the style outlets Atommüll? Gauck - Bürgerechtler, Pastor und der richtige pra ... Österreich, der kleine Bruder Deutschlands Die eiserne Kanzlerin: allein gegen All The last remaining person Gruppe Ulbricht ... Walter Ulbricht: "The Most Hated Red Dictator 'Controversial Chancellor versus their fanatical Nazi ... Helsinki Accords Cold War: whose fault? East vs. West, North against South Weizsächer's the style outlets '8 mai reason "and Europe Adenauer and his views on foreign betrekkinge ... German Europeans the style outlets stir themselves: Habermas and Enzensb the style outlets ... The man behind the scenes: Carlo Trojan Conflict the style outlets to Saarland Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Westintergration Germany and Europe: Football! Germany and geopolitics Soon (60) april (42)

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