Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Through this community, he came into contact with jujitsu; a sport that is closely related to judo.

It is half past eight in the evening. The small room is full of young people busy chatting. They sit in a diverse collection of chairs uitklapzitjes wood, plastic tubs and a bank that is screwed to the wall. This is the waiting room of the first official gym of Stein. The youngsters are all dressed in sturdy white suits. The only color that can be detected is that of their band, they like a belt around their waist. The boy in the corner wearing a blue tie, the one next to him an orange and beside me there is a strong guy with a brown belt judo.
The conversation erupts into a loud voice from above them silences. '' Hey, whatever it may slow down there? "" One is talking quietly, to then continue on a lower tone. How often have I seen this scene? The newfound calm is truncated tvc online by an immense uproar. The lesson of the last group is over and the young judokas storms down the wooden stairs to the dressing rooms. The youngsters stand in the waiting room and walk up the stairs.
Before they come on the mat respectful greetings. They do this by staying very moment and make a slight bow toward the hall. They imagine shoulder to shoulder on the edge of the light green mat. Each has its place; front and rear tires are the brown white. They are quiet and wait for the beginning of the lesson. Judo Teacher Pepels Mart enters the mat. His band is white with large red blocks; he wears the eighth tvc online than an honorary title in judo.
'' tvc online Ladies tvc online and gentlemen, you have nothing to do today. Besides hard work, '' explains the sensei. His stern expression changed into a smile. He looks at us smiling and casts a quick glance at the parents along side their children are waiting. With a short voice he claims he again our attention and makes a slight bow. We bend back. In earlier years was kneeling to open the lesson, but even at Pepels demands the years refuse their toll and old knees.
As with any other sport begins the lesson with a warm-up. Pepels asks us to a '' run, criss-crossing each other. '' Especially the latter group must often be recalled as soon walk the young judoka behaved tvc online in a circle on the mat. After this short prelude the real work begins. The judoman asks us to step into any throws. This means we do not perform entirely a judo throw. It only comes to foreplay; the imbalance, and the use of the throw.
While we are busy train disappears Mart Pepels as the mat. He runs through his small office and comes out in his home. Since the early years Pepels dreamed of his own gym. This dream came true when his school was finished in 1964, at the adjoining tvc online house, he had to wait another two years. tvc online Since then he teaches anyone interested in the martial art. In addition, he and his wife raised two children on Lies: Henk and Yolanda.
As a boy sported Pepels much. He was a good runner and was as goalkeeper for the local football club. This proved to be a dangerous pastime for the boy from Elsloo. When the ball came near the goal he jumped for it and as a result he could collect many shovel. '' Fortunately, I was no brain damage. Quite logical, because what you do not you can not damage it. '' It was only when his brother John took him to Hercules, a club where, among other Greco-Roman wrestling was practiced, the now 80-year-old took Mart Pepels his heart and soul .
Through this community, he came into contact with jujitsu; a sport that is closely related to judo. That time was characterized by training in shorts and T-shirt on a mat filled with sea grass. The locations tvc online also differed somewhat from each other. Thus trained the group for a while in a Protestant church that was actually no more than a wooden shack. Very different from the comfortable gym where after 48 years still young judokas are raised.
After boarding the judo throws Pepels asks us to do this. The first blow is audible and will follow the next hour still many. Everywhere onto the Tatami Tori's (those who cast) their Uke's (which they are thrown) to the floor by means of hip, shoulder, tvc online leg, and armworpen. To expand our experience, we are being asked to change partners. This will prevent judoka become highly attuned to one another. It is probably also the reason why judo is such a unifying sport. You work together to achieve a good result. Judo something you do alone.
This philosophy carries Mart Pepels through in his life. '' Without the support of your rank and achieve nothing, '' z