Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It starts an epidemic. Everyone

It starts an epidemic. Everyone "should be" something with social media. Last spoke my bakery to me worried. "You're still a lot on the Internet, eh? What do you think, should I do with Twitter "And after I stared at him, not understanding" something? Facebook then? "
I saw it in his whole posture. He did not, but yes, you have as bakery anyway in the march of civilization, is not it? Yet? While my bakery a half point Tuscan cut and packed, google prime I explained to him that I am on Twitter because many journalists, columnists and editors are on Twitter. Then useful networks. You do less often shorts, not unimportant.
But I was a bakery, I would not know what I'm doing on Twitter or Facebook. Okay, you can keep your 21 followers on Twitter to date of the offer of the day. Pick three panda buns, two pay. Personally, I think you reach more people when you put a sidewalk sign for your store bearing the day offer, but you know that you can not say out loud social google prime media gurus. Scary people are. They stick together on websites like DutchCowboys.nl. There is "SEA google prime / SEO / Social Media / Conversion and Sales Specialist" Menno Rigterink angry at companies that see nothing in social media. He writes: "Sometimes I hear: Social Media is not for us. This implies that there are companies, which could not benefit from a good social media presence and in their marketing google prime spend on the optimization of this presence. "No google prime attention google prime
Seldom read such a curve, poor current sense, but that's probably because the topic of social media does not lend itself to clear logic. Menno comes with a tip: "Ask yourself now think: I'm Social. I want as a company 'Social' are? And how can I redeem this as a business opportunity? "
Menno. Consider how social media can play a role in your company or institution is exactly the wrong approach. It's like, "The whole street has a car. You know what, let's think of a car is also something for me. "Then you meet Menno car salesman. You tell him that you're on a quarter google prime cycle of your work and live like traveling google prime by train when you are visiting family or friends. Moreover, google prime you do not have a driver's license because you've never had. The need for a car But now you still hesitate because the whole street is indeed a car.
Ten to one Menno car salesman knows a reason for why you clung to the car needs: sometimes it rains. Argument that he knows how to spend. Lot of persuasion So roll Menno. Ideally he sells you a Hummer so you can get. Whenever it rains, still half a loaf of bread at the bakery google prime on the corner
The correct order is this: You must consider who you want to achieve, what is your goal? In doing so you then find the appropriate means of communication. This could be a ad, a mailing, a press release, a flyer, or - in the case of the baker - a sidewalk sign. It's google prime that simple. You go out of the goal, and chooses the appropriate means of communication. Is not. Menno He goes out of communication (social media) and devises an aim. All very creative, but also terribly forced.
Oh, oh, oh, those compelling idea that you have as a company or institution to social media. Fatal tiring, I think. All those Menno's, they would do just fine at first the best home shopping channel on television. Their product can be anything and do anything. Was until recently you unhappy, lonely, poor, and no one saw you standing? google prime With our patented, user-panacea 'Social Media' is that soon all in the past! Do not ask how it can, but take advantage of it!
Probably feels Menno (also not stupid) this also. Therefore, he concludes with a threat: "If you choose not to do this, only then can you fully admit that Social Media is not for your business. Computing in the future too much on new customers. "
What an admission of weakness. Menno guest. Get a life. Social media is not the answer to everything. Social media is just one of the many ways you can communicate with you. Audience Nothing more, nothing less. Do not look so overwrought google prime about. Or even better: google prime even talk to your baker.
I prefer to fax!
Luuk, you might also post about you everyday worries? Between smaller tweets we can then form a bit of a picture of the daily life of a top columnist. as fans
05/10/2011 at 2:20 pm
People, just feet back on the ground. Talk to your baker - http://t.co/46w84bNC via @ Luuk Koelman
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