Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 (10) June (5) May (5) Security in life - life safety Fire Safety Fundamentals of Safety

Zhovtonoh LM (Within a month of "Caution Children on the road!") The life of each person unique. Therefore everyone should keep it. This wise and very important science we learn constantly to their knowledge and belief were stable norm. Rules in our environment are many, they need to know and do, because we live in a society, therefore, must adhere to the rules and laws of society. And among the most important rules of life are "rules of safe behavior on streets and roads." For every day you go out into the street on which the moving car. How can you do without rules? A main road law - a strict implementation of traffic rules. Each of us loves to run, swim, jump, dance, play sports, drive a bicycle, roller skate. This is understandable, because life - a movement. But, unfortunately, often occur in accidents (road - traffic accidents) and these adventures is not funny, because a person has the health of the school may be disabled or even die. You probably know these cases? There are many cases where traffic accidents occur not the fault of the drivers of transport, namely pedestrians who run across the road to transport any move - which stopped in the middle of the road, ignore grove city outlet mall the rules and go on the roadway. And then die not only one who broke the rules, but also completely innocent people and drivers who want to take trouble and make abrupt maneuvers. So, to live his life without the terrible accidents need a very young age to learn rules of the road, they know perfectly and always perform. So let's now check how well you remember the rules. So listen carefully and actively discuss grove city outlet mall questions answers and winners will be the most active and knowledgeable.
2014 (10) June (5) May (5) Security in life - life safety Fire Safety Fundamentals of Safety Web Design Educational hour "We learned the rules of the road ...

This additional control already provides first results. kangastukku So, yesterday one of the roadbl

At the Peace Plan of the President of Ukraine State Border Service takes measures on construction safety strips along the clashes within the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, and conducting operational activities in controlled units ATO areas.
In areas between these control points are patrolling the border patrols to identify kangastukku reconnaissance and sabotage groups. Also guards have established a flexible interaction with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement.
This additional control already provides first results. kangastukku So, yesterday one of the roadblocks near Mariupol border patrol detained two citizens of Ukraine truck "Mercedes" carrying a large number of new household appliances (over 40 units.). Truck driving without supporting documents, but only the "permission" from the leadership of terrorist organizations. For this criminal proceedings for sales of stolen property.
Events that take State Border Service, are forced and are intended to protect the citizens of Ukraine who live in areas adjacent to the conflict kangastukku zone, the actions of illegal armed groups and other illegal activities.
Related posts: The situation in eastern Ukraine September 25 terrorists killed the so-called FSC occupant Anthracite (video) on Donetsk and Lugansk detained more than 13 000 tons of humanitarian aid 8 more machines with humanitarian aid from Germany already in Zaporozhye news, Photos and Videos
President of Ukraine NSDC Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Monday, December 29, 2014

Measures to eliminate the risk of electrical shock reduced to the correct placement of equipment an

Measures to eliminate the risk of electrical shock reduced to the correct placement of equipment and electrical cables. Other measures to ensure electrical coincide with general measures fire and electrical safety. As preventive measures for fire safety should use occult power grid, reliable outlet with fireproof materials, power supply network equipment to carry out cables, kohles designed to connect 3-5 times harder to include and exclude power equipment by means of standard switches. We must make regular cleaning of internal parts computers, other equipment from dust, placed on separate computers nespalyuvanyh tables. To prevent arcing should rarely stick and remove the plug from the socket. The screen display should be perpendicular to the direction of gaze. If it is at an angle that causes the stoop. The distance from the screen to your eyes should slightly exceed the usual distance between the book and eyes. Before the screen, especially older types, should kohles be a special protective screen. In his absence should sit at arm's length from the monitor. Another point of view concerning, there is need for a nonuniform field of view. You can put up to surfaces (walls) posters and paintings, executed in soothing colors. For example, landscape. It is important to form the back seat, which is to repeat the form back. The height of the chair should be such that the user did not feel pressure on tailbone and hips. Armchair preferably equipped railing. It must be set so that did not have to reach for the keyboard. Periodically, the user must move in time to change body position and take breaks at work.
Several times an hour desirable to carry out a series of light exercises for relaxation. The consequences of regular work with the computer without the use of protective equipment are: diseases of view (60% of users); cardiovascular diseases (20%); gastro-intestinal tract (10%); skin disorders kohles (5%); various tumors.
2014 (10) June (5) Safety precautions when working with computer Road safety Safety behavior on the water Keep yourself from mushroom poisoning camping water (ice). Safety kohles regulations for water ... May (5)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing where pedestrians are must s

Rules of the road - mandatory for all road users. They establish a uniform procedure movement throughout Ukraine. Performance and c's rules - the key in preserving his life on the road.
If there are no sidewalks, walkways or move on from them, pedestrians can move on the bicycle path, holding right and not making it difficult for traffic on bicycles and mopeds, or in a row on the side, and in his absence - on the edge of the carriageway outlet sport roads meet traffic to see good car approaching. One must be careful not to disturb other road users.
Pedestrians who failed to complete the transition should be on the island of security or line separating traffic flows opposite directions and may extend the transition only when convinced of the safety of further movement.
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The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing where pedestrians are must slow down and if necessary stop to let pedestrians, which can be created obstacle or danger.
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Bulk of the activities on information security Ukraine should make public bodies restaurants in kin

Hostile propaganda, disinformation and information face-off recently began daily attributes of political and military events. Today nothing new reports of attacks on computer information restaurants in king of prussia system Ukrainian government agencies, theft of confidential restaurants in king of prussia data from closed networks or dissemination of false information.
Information security, as a systemic concept appeared in 1914, when the UK was established restaurants in king of prussia Bureau of military propaganda. Still later it was transformed into the Ministry of Information. Since then, almost every country has its own system restaurants in king of prussia of information security.
The main purpose of the system of information security is to ensure conditions for the free passage of information restaurants in king of prussia flows and protection of Ukrainian information space of information that would be prejudicial to the interests restaurants in king of prussia of the state.
USA, USSR and European countries created their state of information security restaurants in king of prussia in the second restaurants in king of prussia half of the last century. This period is also known for the formation of modern strategy and tactics of a new type of confrontation - the information war.
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Meanwhile, our eastern neighbor was creating its own powerful system information security. About ten years spent in laying the foundations of the system, and since 2001 Russia started active measures external restaurants in king of prussia information to influence the country's post-Soviet camp.
We have to organize and conduct information restaurants in king of prussia operations of has a complete system of information security. In February 2014, Russia conducted an operation to capture information Crimea, which resulted in Putin awarded government awards 300 of its best advocates. Now the Kremlin continues information war occupied by Russian restaurants in king of prussia terrorists Basin, which aims to hide the involvement of the events in eastern Ukraine.
Igor Chubais, Doctor of Philosophy, Russian sociologist and historian, in an interview aptly described the Ukrainian restaurants in king of prussia line information security: "Ukraine is not just losing the information war - it is not involved." In support of his words, Chubais said: "I do not know the man in Moscow who would listen Ukrainian radio, and it is very necessary! That happens in Ukraine, more than 90% of Russians learn from formal sources censorial ".
We can not agree. However, notice that in Ukraine completely missing information security, trust also not necessary. It is present, but is inconsistent. restaurants in king of prussia Therefore, the decision of how to implement many information projects which are urgently needed in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, implemented very slowly, and this is their efficiency is low. And sometimes it happens that information activities end only promises ...
Progress in the development of Ukraine's own information security system small. Currently known only that the State Committee for Television and Radio submitted to the Cabinet a draft presidential decree "On the Doctrine of Information Security of Ukraine". In addition, Ukraine already working law "On information"; "On protection of information in telecommunication systems", "On State Secrets" and others.
In the long term, to create the legal framework of information security in Ukraine will need to adopt regulations on public information policy of Ukraine, Ukraine's information space, the use of information resources to ensure information security and others. restaurants in king of prussia
The next step - the definition of information threats to the state and create a list of objects and subjects of information security Ukraine. Actually, we will focus on the creation of system structure.
The world practice of information restaurants in king of prussia security system divides into two main subsystems - information and technical (computer systems and networks, applications) restaurants in king of prussia and information-psychological (media, NGOs, diplomacy). restaurants in king of prussia
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Saturday, December 27, 2014

2014 (10) June (5) May (5) Security in life - life safety Fire Safety Fundamentals of Safety

Under this title May 19, 2014 hosted the regional stage of Ukraine prodavnice igracaka for children and youth work at the Center prodavnice igracaka of Life Safety KOR KO "Center for Children and Youth Kyiv region." The event was held to form in children and youth safety of life, promoting healthy and safe lifestyle, identify and support talented and gifted children.
The feature prodavnice igracaka of the competition prodavnice igracaka is its diversity nominations within which children aged 6 to 17 years served on the jury own stories, tales, poems, crosswords, pictures, posters, public service announcements, photos, prodavnice igracaka articles of decorative art, video public service announcements and presentations illustrations to literary works. All works were united prodavnice igracaka by one theme - "Safety in life - life in safety." Overall regional stage of the competition jury reviewed 140 children's creative work. Works winners of the regional stage will be submitted for participation in the national stage of the competition. We hope that in the process of creative work on their own products children once again thinking on the subject of safety in our lives and made the correct conclusions.
2014 (10) June (5) May (5) Security in life - life safety Fire Safety Fundamentals of Safety Web Design Educational hour "We learned the rules of the road ...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Latest News April 21, 2014, 22:09 Yulia Tymoshenko in Donetsk RSA unlock negotiations on April 21,

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to establish a coordination center security Euro 2012 as a subsidiary body for exercise of the powers of the government in the preparation and holding of the European Football Championship in 2012. It is anticipated Integrated concept of security and safety during preparation and holding in Ukraine Euro 2012, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11 November 2009. Security Coordination Centre of Euro 2012 will be headed by a national coordinator for security and public order. The composition of the Coordination Center will include authorized representatives mitchell gold outlet of the Coordination Bureau on preparation and holding mitchell gold outlet of the Euro 2012 football Secretariat of the Cabinet mitchell gold outlet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transport, Security mitchell gold outlet MFYS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, mitchell gold outlet Administration State Border Service, Customs Service, regional coordinator for security and public order, and with the consent of the representatives of the State Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland, UEFA, Football Federation mitchell gold outlet of Ukraine and UEFA company authorized to conduct mitchell gold outlet and organizational measures Championship Commissioner President of Ukraine on security measures for Ukraine in the final of the 2012 European Cup. To support the work of the Coordination Centre on a regular basis clock will operate a national call-center (police mitchell gold outlet station) and regional call-centers (duty of main offices, Interior Ministry offices in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, mm. Kyiv and Sevastopol, as well as host cities ), Center for Road Safety Interior, National Football Information Points MIA, operational and regular service MOE Headquarters counterterrorist center at SSU, State Service Disaster Medicine mitchell gold outlet and formed at the time of the Championship operational headquarters of Public Order Ministry of Interior, which collect information about criminal mitchell gold outlet environment, conducting its analysis, prepare and submit proposals mitchell gold outlet to the National Coordinator for Security and Public Order and focal points. Coordinating Center will be located in the premises of the Interior Ministry.
Latest News April 21, 2014, 22:09 Yulia Tymoshenko in Donetsk RSA unlock negotiations on April 21, 2014, 16:12 Yulia Tymoshenko parents Hero Heavenly mitchell gold outlet hundreds Sergei Nihoyana (Photos) April 20, 2014, 00:01 Yulia Tymoshenko: Christ is risen! Ukraine and rise again! April 19, 2014, 16:59 Yulia Tymoshenko accept all constructive suggestions for systemic reforms April 19, 2014, 15:22 Yulia Tymoshenko people feel happiness when presented neighbor love (photos)
"There is no more important issue than the preservation of Ukraine, its integrity and independence," Yulia Tymoshenko "Putin mitchell gold outlet is trying to dismantle the global security system, which was established after World War II, and bring chaos to the world order. The redistribution of the world map through war, mass murder and bloodshed becomes his "Mein Kampf", Yulia Tymoshenko "I mourn with you every person mitchell gold outlet died that his life in battle covered all of us from dictatorship," Tymoshenko said. "We stepped on restrictions on the ban on the issuance of visas about 20 senior representatives of the Ukrainian government mitchell gold outlet and others, which we believe are responsible for orders that lead to human rights violations and political repression "- representative of the US State Department representative.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

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Training will take place in the premises of district administrations from 10:30 h. to 14:00 h. Invi

For residents of the city will conduct instructional and teaching classes on self-organizing system of the city. This will be the second series of exercises on Information Security Center of the city, the press service of the Lviv City Council. beisia
"The executive bodies of Lviv City Council and Mayor adopted a number of regulations on the procedures for mobilization and military training. These measures are aimed at residents of the city's ability, if necessary, make the protection of the city against possible hostile actions. This is the case when every citizen should beisia feel their direct participation in the protection of their district or of the city as a whole.
Monday through leadership of district beisia administrations LCP residents will be sent an invitation beisia to participate beisia in instructional and teaching courses on self-defense system of the city. Participation in events - voluntary. Classes are held in the districts within the premises of district administrations. beisia In classes invited experts from the Army Academy and other professionals who can bring to the community of clear information on the organization of self-defense of the city. Such measures are proactive in nature and occur for the first time, "- said Stephen Palyuh, Head of the interaction with law enforcement, Classified, mobilization and defense of Lviv City Council.
Training will take place in the premises of district administrations from 10:30 h. to 14:00 h. Invitation for residents will be left in the mailbox. Training will take place on a voluntary basis.
Recall from September 12 to November 6 in town for a special tent Rynok acted Practical Information Security Center City. During this time 1590 people received information beisia consultation, that is, was a number beisia of studies. Military training at the Army Academy named after hetman Sagaydachnogo were 904 person. The average age of people trained - 32 years.
POPULAR lions in the State Duma accused beisia Ukrainian beisia collapse of the ruble in Lviv from third floor window of the boarding school had 9-year-old child. Photo of Liberty Avenue collapsed pavement. Photo in Kyiv Michael Blavatska cast out of the office beisia of President of Academy of Medical Sciences beisia Andrei Serdyuk Poroshenko Yatsenyuk last year returned to local government "zero" powers - Garden New Attorney Lviv Lviv heard about the case "Berkut" What will repair roads in Lviv Lviv next year honored memory Chornovil beisia LCP "REMBUD" given permission to make the project land for allotment of land for the ATO members of the Curia UGCC allocated land on the square. St. George's citizens and visitors are invited to Christmas in Shevchenko Grove Lviv deputies gathered at sesiyuschodo housing issues participants ATO average pension in Lviv oblast is 1453.71 UAH Christmas greeting Metropolitan Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki of Lviv died journalist Simon Bruhal Lviv equips first stop adapted for people with disabilities
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Related news: Lions public authorities and remember Chornovil ... 12.24.2014, 15:19

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Lviv open Security Center City. Today, the 12th of September in Lviv earned Practical Information Security Center City. The center is located in a tent on the market square. This correspondent "Mediastar." The Center provided counseling, conduct training, master classes and workshops on four main areas - emergency medicine, basics of self-defense, fundamentals of warfare and civil defense. To participate in exercises - mandatory registration. Recall Information Practical Center of city security work every day, seven days a week, from 10-00 to 20-30.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

FEATURED New Lviv Lviv Oblast Prosecutor would be

Information and Practical Center of city security work every day, seven days a week, from 10.00 to 20.30 hours. In addition to providing information, booklets, flyers, the Center will conduct lectures, training, workshops, master classes.
Thus, the Center will be held and the practical and theoretical studies aimed at developing the skills of people's behavior in order to prevent and eliminate emergencies. The main areas - first aid, self-defense basics, fundamentals of military affairs, civil defense.
Practical course of military training can go at the Army Academy named Sagaydachnogo. It is expected that on Thursday and Friday will be held 4-hour theoretical courses and Saturday - practical training at the range.
Practical lehigh valley mall stores Information Security Center City is on the square. Market. Participation in any events - only by prior registration. Register on practical and theoretical lessons can be centered on the reception.
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Practical Information Security Center City began its work. First Visitors Center learned, through w

Practical Information Security Center City began its work. First Visitors Center learned, through which technology specialists work vybuhotehnichnoyi laboratory as provide first aid domedychnu and tried to apply this knowledge in medical practice. On the goal of creating a center of said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy, "Everyone should be able to protect your family, your home, your city, your country. For this, we must be able to provide first aid. Since yesterday with the Army Academy we started training: to be able to use the weapon, able to behave in extreme situations, be able to protect office works brisbane themselves. office works brisbane " office works brisbane
Discovery Center also attended by representatives of the battalion "Donbass" on call sign Filaret, head of health LCC Vladimir office works brisbane tooth. Practical classes today are specialists Disaster Medicine Centre, the information provided police-Explosives. Also, the Center can be found all the necessary information for you from experts with first aid, self-defense bases, office works brisbane bases military, civil defense.
Practical course of military training can go at the Army Academy named Sagaydachnogo. It is expected that on Thursday and Friday will be held 4-hour office works brisbane theoretical courses and Saturday - practical training at the range.
Center is open daily from 10:00 - 20:30. To participate in lectures and workshops have to register in a tent Information Security and Practical Center City at Market Square, or call: (032) 297-55-51, 297-55-52.
Association "union"

Information and Practical Center of city security work every day, seven days a week, from 10.00 to

On the Market Square are practical equips Information Security Center (photo) |
In Kiev the court on the murder of journalist walm Veremiya (video)
On the Market Square are practical equips Information Security Center City. As noted Lviv Mayor Andrew Garden Center plans to open on Friday, the press service of the Lviv City Council.
Information and Practical Center of city security work every day, seven days a week, from 10.00 to 20.30 hours. In addition to providing information, booklets, flyers, the Center will conduct lectures, training, workshops, master classes.
Thus, the Center walm will be held and the practical and theoretical studies aimed at developing the skills of people's behavior in order to prevent and eliminate emergencies. The main areas - first aid, self-defense basics, fundamentals of military affairs, civil defense.
Practical course of military training can go at the Army Academy named Sagaydachnogo. It is expected that on Thursday and Friday will be held 4-hour theoretical courses and Saturday - practical training walm at the range.
Practical Information Security Center City is on the square. Market. Participation in any events - only by prior registration. Register on practical and theoretical lessons can be centered on the reception.
Related news: Terrorists do not mind sharing scheme "150 to 225" - SBU ban on flights in Kiev continued until Tuesday now the army taketh with 20 years next year Ukraine will hold a series of partial mobilization (video) Commissioner of military mobilization - no rumors and speculation
Recent publications Terrorists do not mind sharing scheme "150 to 225" - SBU ban on flights in Kiev continued until Tuesday now the army taketh with 20 years next year Ukraine will hold a series of partial mobilization (video) Commissioner of military mobilization - no rumors and speculation in Ivano-Frankivsk opened Quay (video) Terrorists fired again tonight with hrantometiv military in the area of ATO in Ivano-Frankivsk happened accident involving six vehicles (photo) Poroshenko walm wants to increase salaries soldiers ATO (video) "UZ" appointed 13 additional trains on New Year's Eve Website development agency "Elite"

Saturday, December 20, 2014

These exercises involve school we started. For students this Friday 3rd grade school 65 attend tra

Practical Information Security Center contains an average daily visits to 150 persons. How to tell in managing domestic politics of the city, military training from the beginning of the Center zapysalos more than 300 people. To join the Center as Lviv State University life safety and Lviv National Medical University Daniel Galician. All training is free.
For more than 250 people were trained on elements of self-defense, more than 350 people attended woodbury premium outlet workshops on domedychnoyi provide assistance. Also, for more than 150 organized professional training of psychotherapists.
Recall Information security and Practical Center of the city is open daily from 10:00 to 20:30 hours in a tent in the Market Square. Anyone can access information from the following areas: emergency medicine; basics of self-defense; fundamentals of warfare; civil defense.
"From tomorrow we Joins Medical University. Students will spend 7-day courses. These courses will be daily at the same hour in the evening. Schedule is consistent. Topics will be different "- said Oksana cool, Coordinator.
Thematic study plan is as follows: Algorithm emergency first aid. structure kits (civil, military). Types of bleeding. Methods of termination. Fractures. Dislocation. woodbury premium outlet Stretching. Transport immobilization. Methods woodbury premium outlet of transportation. Desmurgy (types of bandages, woodbury premium outlet their situational woodbury premium outlet use). Burns (chemical, thermal). Poisoning. Surgery. Frostbite. ALV (algorithms, methods, types). Chest compressions (age characteristics of the application). Penetrating wounds (Kulevi, knife). Pneumothorax.
These exercises involve school we started. For students this Friday 3rd grade school 65 attend training, become familiar with the university and in an entertaining woodbury premium outlet way learn proper behavior during a fire.
Practical course of military training can go at the Army Academy named Sagaydachnogo. On Thursday and Friday conducted a 4-hour theoretical courses and Saturday - practical training at the range.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

Practical Information Security Center City continues its work. The tent, which operates from Septem

Practical Information Security Center City continues its work. The tent, which operates from September 12 Sq. The market will be removed. However, Information and Services Center of stores: working telephone inquiries for information - (032) 297 55 51; Facebook page.
"The Center people were trained on the basics of life safety, fundamentals of civil defense, self defense items, foundations domedychnoyi training, psychological yonkers department store assistance. We also held meetings with the soldiers who were in the area ATO, with the clergy. Came to our center for training foreign experts of psychological help. We worked with the Center for crisis intervention workers yonkers department store who came to us and worked with the families of the victims. The Center conducted training on the basics of survival. We worked with Ukrainian youth organization "Heritage", whose members conducted lectures on how to survive in extreme conditions.
During the period from September 12 to November 6, 2014 1590 people were consulted in the information tent, that is, was a number of studies. yonkers department store Military training at the Army Academy named after hetman yonkers department store Sagaydachnogo were 904 person. The average age of people trained - 32 years. Thousands of people just went and got booklets with useful information about safety in the city "- noted in the management of domestic policy of Lviv City Council.
In Information and practical yonkers department store center city security training yonkers department store conducted for children. In particular, 440 children visited the center yonkers department store and the knowledge of the foundations domedychnoyi yonkers department store training and life safety basics. In the tent of the Center disaster medicine specialists, and the Maltese Red Cross conducted a series yonkers department store of practical exercises and first medical emergency. During these sessions the Centre took over 300 students (girls) 9-10 grades of secondary yonkers department store schools, including secondary school 3, 9, 10, 6, 41, 62, 70, SSZSH 8, 37, 52, SPC "cluster" , boarding school 2.
Also at the Lviv State University of Life Safety organized a series yonkers department store of practical exercises (in game form) for students in grades 1-4 of secondary schools. City on the basics of life safety. These classes attended yonkers department store by over 50 students and secondary school 87 SPC "Provesin."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Study drama began in the 11th age in Redroofs Theatre School School, an independent school in the c

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I recently imagined beautiful actress Kate Winslet, known to many thanks to their representation in the film Titanic, winning retail outlet an Academy Award for the year 2009, is a mother of two and at the age of 36 years. Kate looks pictures at full fitness. retail outlet
Revealed the beautiful British actress Kate Winslet, the heroine retail outlet of the film Titanic that the secret of her beauty and freshness of her skin due to cat feces. According Klozir magazine in the French version that Winslet, which is reputed to be the enemy of cosmetic surgery reveals that she used cat feces as a mask put on her face once a week, making her face a brighter retail outlet and more freshness and softness retail outlet and swelling without the need for an injection Botox or Silicon . She said she knew that was uncovered by befall a lot of people sick because of the smell of cat feces odors but prefer retail outlet this unpleasant to resort to cosmetic surgery to maintain the beauty and freshness of her skin after it surpassed the thirty-six-year-old barrier odor
Sttaat British actress Kate Winslet to become a Hollywood star pampered retail outlet in spite of British nationality, has performed great fame because of her role in the movie "titanic", and today is Kate's more Hollywood starlets reconciled with her body where he appeared in nude scenes nine movies until he became the body of Kate material media creamy. Beautiful star of today's most important artists festivals and awards became retail outlet the youngest actress to receive five Oscar nominations also booked for the same important position as an actress box office.
In spite of the great fame achieved through the film (Titanic -1997), which was launched as one of the stars of Hollywood, but the (Titanic) was not the first work in film or TV, Fbdaatha was early as he took part in 1986 to declare all children pills at the age of eleven, and then began to take acting lessons, and at the same time the official workouts lead in the upper representation arts school. retail outlet Kate Elizabeth Winslet English retail outlet actress born 5 Nharin second in 1975 in Reading, Brekshar born Winslet in the town, Berkshire in the south-west of England, the middle girl among three sisters, her mother called the Sally-Anne retail outlet and working retail outlet waitress and her father named Roger Winslet and works contractor swimming pools and reason frequent acts of her parents retail outlet hung Winslet it did not get a distinctive education and likened her daily life who has enough money to live only without Kamaleat.cdetha called Linda and her grandfather named Archibald Oliver Bridges are the ones who founded the reading scene and uncle named Robert retail outlet Bridges, who appeared in the original version of the film Oliver sister Kate Minor beth Winslet and major Anna Winslet are also actresses, Kate Winslet grew up in the embrace of traditional British family.
Study drama began in the 11th age in Redroofs Theatre School School, an independent school in the city Maidenhea flight professional actress Kate began when I took the starring role of the participant in a series of dark season on the bbc children channel "s science fiction, and followed this role views of several of them: her appearance in the movie anglo-saxon attitudes in 1992, and their representation in the skit get back, and they appear in the series of medical drama Casualty in 1993. In 1992 received actress Kate touch of director Peter Jackson for the role of Juliet Hulme for the film Heavenly Creatures in London, and the role was the film about a girl assisted in the murder of the mother of her close friend Pauline Parker to play their role actress Melanie Klinska, has Kate won the role of 175 people retail outlet Agro Alachtbar.ahtoy film for the first time to sing Kate Winslet, introduced in 1994 and nominated filmmaker Jackson and his colleague Fran Walsh Oscar Academy for the best original screenplay, has got actress Winslet on the Empire Award Award and London Ooord for Best Actress a British on her performance in the film. commented Kate about the film "In the film Hafnla Kretcher all you have done is that I embodied personal perfectly it was a great experience and the work is excellent." In the year that followed Okhaddt Winslet Lucy Stella role in the film Sense and Sensibility adaptation of the novel modified to Jane Austen. The film also includes Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman. The film director expiration Lee admitted he was concerned representation Winslet after witness representation in Haveng retail outlet Hills he asked Winslet to read the novel and take piano lessons to fully embodied the role. The film has achieved great success in the world of cinema, retail outlet where I arrived at the Box Office profits retail outlet to $ 136 million retail outlet and Akhaddt Winslet Jaúzhalbafatta Award Screen Actors Guild Award, and was nominated for both an Academy Award and Golden Globe Award. In 1996, represented in the film Michael and Bntrepettm adaptation of the novel Jude the Obscure and played the role of Sue Bridehead woman and fell in love with her cousin, the film did not do well at the box office barely reached its profits to $ 2 million.
In mid-1996 began Winslet representation in Titanic retail outlet directed by James Cameron retail outlet with her partner representation Leonardo DiCaprio, played the role of Rose DeWitt retail outlet Bukater retail outlet who survived the sinking ship Titanic, suspended Winslet on the impact of the film emotionally it said "the movie Titanic was an experience very different and I did not prepared for them we were afraid of adventure entire James Cameron genius in the making of films, but there is the press Ill before the film out and it was so sad, "the film is a huge success in the world of cinema until it reached its profits 1,843 billion dollars and turned Anlst after the film to the well-known actress. After the success of Walt

Saturday, December 13, 2014

See pictures ... .kim Cardechian publix store locator turn into a blonde lady Thursday, September 5

Nicole Kidman: radical changes have taken place for star Nicole Kidman did that girl is her curly hair, which we knew during the eighties Valndjemh says that beauty is natural and it is keen to get the careful attention to her skin. The opinion of doctors: doctors confirms the star to undergo publix store locator a facelift Valhoajp publix store locator arched publix store locator can not look so only through a Botox injection, we also note a change in the shape of the mouth and nose aspects.
Janet Jackson: over a short period does not exceed a month reared pop star Janet Jackson's body harmonic and slender waist. The opinion of doctors: may contribute to diet and exercise intensive melt body fat but infrequently and not during this period, publix store locator surely the standard star underwent liposuction operations. Jessica Simpson: the star did not recognize all the cosmetic surgery undergone by the image but the best evidence. The opinion of doctors: Obviously it underwent several sessions of Botox injection, it is clear that the shape of the eyebrows publix store locator have become more Tqosa addition to being subject to inject Albotax publix store locator to look wider eyes with plastic surgery of the nose and lips. Paris Hilton: I did not recognize the reality TV star underwent cosmetic operations, which confirms that her natural beauty. The opinion of doctors: although they need other plastic surgery to her nose, but the picture confirms undergoing narrowing in and out of her nose. Angelina Jolie: star that became her lips like a racket and the inspiration for a number of stars and to have access publix store locator to her lips Almmtlitan. The opinion of doctors: doctors argue through the photos that the star has not done any plastic surgery to her lips but are Mmtlitan natural way. Gisele Bundchen: Super Model, which roamed the world's fashion runways had any offers Is Beauty? The opinion of doctors: not changed much, but her features seem to be undergone a minor facelift for her nose. Jennifer Aniston: Bkhaddoaha star admitted to plastic surgery to her nose, but did not recognize the process of breast augmentation. Doctors opinion: It is clear change in the shape of her nose, but we can not assure undergoing breast augmentation Vhmalh chest and kind to affect significantly its shape. Halle Berry: the star did not recognize the beauty of obtaining her nose operations, although the picture shows the opposite. The opinion of doctors: publix store locator the star certainly undergone a very successful nose is also seems narrower and smaller lips look thinner. Lindsay Lohan: Some question by obtaining a facelift for breast enlargement, but Lindsay says she 100% natural. The opinion of doctors: During the images appear to be normal and did not get a facelift. Victoria Beckham: from known star "Spice Girls" will notice a big change happened to her it seems that her marriage to David Beckham did not change her life, but also of shape. Doctors opinion: it's completely clear and does not need the opinion of a specialist Valndjemh publix store locator undergone many injection Albotax seems her skin wrinkle-free and cheeks different as her lips look more fuller. Kellie Pickler: After extracted for the title of "American Idol" publix store locator did not change this win of her life from her body, but also with a strong denial of this change. Doctors opinion: It is clear that the star underwent surgery to enlarge her breasts. Britney Spears: actress known for taking publix store locator decisions is correct you made the right decision with regard to cosmetic operations. Doctors opinion: It is clear that the star underwent to enlarge her lips seem more fuller understanding. publix store locator Hilary Duff: change happened to the teenage girl led some to question Is becoming more mature publix store locator or whether they have undergone a facelift? The opinion of doctors: Obviously they have undergone a facelift to her chest because it seems higher and more rounded than normal.
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Friday, December 12, 2014

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Friday, December 5, 2014

About the author of the blog Greetings, friends! I - Sasha Gavrilov. I live in Yekaterinburg. I kee

The soundtrack to Walk The Line (film about Johnny Cash)
I recently looked biopic "Walk the Line" (Walk The Line) - a film about the legend of country atlanta malls music and rockabilly father - Johnny Cash (Johnny Cash). The film is good, nice, but at one time. The plot of the film focuses on the relationship with June Carter atlanta malls and problems with pills / alcohol, and unfortunately there is not paying attention atlanta malls to how to create his poetry and music. Despite the excellent play Joaquin atlanta malls Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, the film somewhat disappoint in terms of direction. But most importantly - after watching the movie I want to re-listen to all songs in the original, although Phoenix and Witherspoon have to execute all these great songs.
Country Music seemingly simple as three rubles, but very fun to play. All cases decide boys Rhythm and Beat. Add to this vital catchy lyrics and here's atlanta malls the American bard music of our time.
When I first heard Johnny Cash, I thought, this is like Elvis in country style. And do not forget that Cash was written on one studio of Sam Phillips - Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis, and with them also held with performances on "American heartland." And successfully parodied Elvis - the same rock-and-roll charge, only without the antics Presley - direct, honest and sincere, atlanta malls calculated only on voice and guitar, the cache every now and then spit in front of him. Time passed and I "kerf" in music Johnny Cash - as if deliberately simple melodies and a real folk-n-roll atlanta malls drive. Walk The Line Original OST (2005) 01 Johnny Cash - Get Rhythm 02 Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line 03 Carter Family - Wildwood Flower 04 Jerry Lee Lewis - Lewis Boogie 05 Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire 06 Johnny Cash - You're My Baby 07 Johnny Cash - Cry! Cry! Cry! 08 Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues 09 Elvis Presley - That's All Right 10 June Carter - Jukebox Blues 11 Johnny Cash and June Carter - It Is not Me Babe 12 Johnny Cash - Home Of The Blues 13 Elvis Presley - Milk Cow Blues Boogie 14 Shooter Jennings - I'm atlanta malls A Long Way From Home 15 Johnny Cash - Cocaine atlanta malls Blues 16 Johnny Cash and June Carter - Jackson
Here is the unofficial soundtrack to Walk the Line (2005), atlanta malls where all the songs are presented in their original versions, while the official OST them perform Joaquin Phoenix (Johnny Cash), Reese Witherspoon (June Carter), Waylon Malloy Payne (Jerry Lee Lewis), Tyler Hilton (Elvis Presley). One exception - the song I'm A Long Way From Home, which takes the son of Waylon Jennings - Shooter (and all of its author - Hank Cochran).
Subscribe to the RSS, in the name of rock 'n' roll. Interesting article in the blog Johnny Cash Songbooks Chords, Johnny Cash chords and notes Great Balls Of Fire OST, download soundtrack to Ricky Nelson - Lonesome Town (The Complete Record Releases 1957-1959) Mystery Train Soundtrack - Mystery Train soundtrack to Jim Jarmusch Rick Nelson - Country Fever Elvis Presley - Great Country Songs, Best Country Song Elvis Presley Almost Went To See Elvis (1969-1970) - Bob Dylan bootleg
[...] Today - exactly seven years since the death of Johnny Cash (12 September 2003). Great country-rockabilly musician, a beautiful songwriter, Man In Black. atlanta malls It is thanks to Johnny Cash I loved country music and returned to the rock 'n' roll roots of modern rock music. Spread a couple of collections of notes and chords to his songs - Johnny Cash Memorial Songbook (1932-2003) and Walk The Line Movie Songbook atlanta malls (the songs that sound in the biopic Walk The Line. In the title track is actually 5 (!) Modulations ...) and a booklet about his years of work in the studio Sun Records, Memphis, Tennessee (there are no chords). [...] Great Balls Of Fire OST, download soundtrack: October 2nd, 2013 at 18:24
[...] This is a movie you must see all the musicians, and also to all those people who want to achieve something more in life. "When I play the piano, I shine like gold." We are talking about an unshakable confidence in his talent, the will to win, the feeling of self-esteem, their readiness to answer for their actions and defend their love. By its expressive power with the film Great Balls Of Fire rivaled only by Walk The Line. [...] Write a comment
About the author of the blog Greetings, friends! I - Sasha Gavrilov. I live in Yekaterinburg. I keep a blog about music more than 5 years. When I write about me interesting music, I try to provide all-in-one: description, photos musicians / albums, and links for free download Thank You
CAWA.RU Home Flanders is a festival Bob Dylan Wong Kar Wai Bossa Nova Jazz Johnny Cash song David Bowie Spanish Country Leonard Cohen Marc Bolan Nick Cave News Translations Rockabilly songs Soundtracks Synthpop Tom Waits Francois Ozon
Blog Sasha Gavrilov on the English-language music in Russian. Powered by WordPress All Photo and audio bridge

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn riders Start of performances: 13:00; 15:00; 20:00;

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn riders Start of performances: 13:00; 15:00; 20:00; 22:30 Genre: Drama Country of Origin: USA Length of film: 127 minutes Director: Michael Apdet Cast: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes Contents: "The Chronicles of Narnia" - cult fantasy series in seven parts of KS Lewis (CS Lewis) for imaganirnata syms locations country Narnia. Written over 15 years, between 1939 and 1954 are considered as classics of children's literature and the epic fiction. "Chronicles of Narnia" ("The Chronicles of Narnia": The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) is the third offer Send (the planned seven) of the film adaptation of the series. This section is directed by British director Michael Apted (Michael Apted), known as the director of the nineteenth James Bond film "The world is not enough". In this sequel to follow the main protagonists as Edmund and Lucy are back in Narnia with their cousin Justis through the image of the ship where again meet with Caspian (one of the main characters of the last part). He is now King of Narnia. The ship has built Caspian to find the seven lords that his evil uncle has expelled syms locations when he usurped the throne. The film follows the epic journey syms locations of the main characters through fantasy land of Narnia, in an attempt to save her from the evil ruler.
photo plakat A - Team Start of performances: 18:00 Genre: Action, syms locations Adventure, syms locations Thriller Country of Origin: USA Length of film: 117 min. Director: John Callahan Cast: Liam Neeson, Bradley syms locations Cooper, Quinton Jackson, Charlene Copley Content: "A-Team" is an action thriller based on the cult series of essay 80s. Podatotokot which shows that as producers of this exercise are signed Tony Ridley Scott makes the movie is one of najischekuvanite action movies this summer. Director John Callahan behind already has several action films: "Smocking aces", "Narc" and "Blood, guts, bullets and octane". syms locations A group of four experienced soldiers (the roles are played by: Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Quinton syms locations Jackson and Charlene syms locations Copley) is sent on a mission in Iraq to find and confiscate molds printing dollars. Returning to base face: their boss is killed explosion and molds stolen. The soldiers are accused osudueni syms locations murder and theft who failed to do. Posted in four different syms locations prisons serving sentences. The film follows their attempts to escape syms locations and pronagjanje the real culprit. Toy Story 3 Start performances Saturday and Sunday: 11: 00; 13:00 Genre: Computer animated film Country of Origin: USA Length of film: 81 min. Director: Lee Unkrich Starring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack Content: "Toy Story" is one of the most successful computer animated serials of Pixar. The first film of the series was made in 1995., And is also the first feature film which is entirely computer animated. The third part was originally announced as the Disney project, which was to be implemented independently of the original authors and tech. Support Pixar. But after the unification of Pixar and Disney, the project returns in the study of Pixar. Thus, the original director of the first two became executive producer of the third part, and in turn, responsible for editing - director of the film. The impressive cast which lends voice to the characters in the film are not changing. However, the creative team is qualitatively different enough to make essential refreshment in the series. Not coincidentally, syms locations the initial reception and reviews for the film are excellent, syms locations "" Toy Story 3 "is perhaps syms locations the best part in the series." In the third part, continuing the adventures of Woody, Buzz and their troupe of toys. But now, the plot is about going to the college of their owner Andy, who leaves his toys in a day care center for children. Toys meet new friends there (among others syms locations Ken and Barbie) that begin to make a plan to escape from the Centre and to find Andy. Tickets for the projections can be purchased at the checkout of the Millennium Cinema, every day from 10:30 to 22:30 h., At a price of 150 denars. syms locations
extras charts .mk Project recommendations syms locations network idea join us! Contact Imprint

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November 1, 2007 - Thursday Rasputin, AGONY 104 min. Country: USSR Year: 1981 Director: Elem Klimov

November 1, 2007 - Thursday Rasputin, AGONY 104 min. Country: USSR Year: 1981 Director: Elem Klimov / Elem Klimov Script: Semen Lungin / Semen Lingin; Ilya Nusinov / Ilja Nusinov Director of photography: Leonid Kalashnikov / Leonid Kalasnikov Actors: Alexei Petrenko; Anatoli Romasin; Welt Line; Alice Freindlih; P. Arzanov mall 205 (Aleksei Petrenko; Anatoli Romasin; Velta Line; Alisa Freindlih; P. Arzanov)
photo plakat November 2, 2007 - Friday 31 first municipality Karposh: 18-20 pm (to fit 30 minutes ago) 2. TV on large platters, 20h 80min In cooperation with the French Cultural Center "24 hours of TV" Show the best French TV shows. mall 205 Evening opened with a presentation of the French TV channel mall 205 France 24. continuous information MASTERS OF DIRECTING 3 and November 4, 2007 - Saturday and Sunday DRIM ARIZONA, ARIZONA DREAM. Written by: David Atkins mall 205 / David Atkins; Director Emir Kusturica Emir Kusturica Production designer: Miljen Krekovich crack Director of Photography: Lilko Filacciano Editor: Andrija Zafranovich Music: mall 205 Goran Bregovic / Andrija Zafranovich Actors: Johnny Depp, Jerry Lewis, Faye Dunaway, Lili Taylor, Vincent Gallo, Polina Porishkova (Johnny Depp ; Jerry Lewis; Faye Dunaway; Lili Taylor; Vincent Gallo; Paulina Porizkova)
photo plakat 6 and November 7, 2007 - Tuesday and Wednesday Boogie NIGHTS, BOOGIE NIGHTS 156 min Country: USA Year: 1997 Director: Paul Thomas Anderson / Paul Thomas Anderson Writer: Paul Thomas Anderson / Paul Thomas Anderson Director of Photography: Robert Elsvit / Robert Elswit Actors Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, John C. Reilly, Julian Moore, Heather Graham, Don Chedl Luis Guzman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William J.. Macy (Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, John C. Reilly, Julianne Moore, Heather Graham, Don Cheadle, Luis Guzmán, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy)
photo plakat 8, 9 and 10 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) in November mall 205 2007 MONTH OF DOCUMENTARY FILM (cooperation with the French Cultural mall 205 Center mall 205 and the Goethe Institute) Thursday - Other Museum / 29-55 Quai Branly (2006) Dr. Ogistin White - The Fables of La Fontaine (2004) Dr. Marie-Helene mall 205 Rebollo Friday - awakening the Apollo (2003) Dr. Jerome Prijer Saturday - Reportage 360 Geo evening dedicated to the most important discoveries TV shop channel ARTE.
extras charts .mk Project recommendations network mall 205 idea join us! Contact Imprint

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Circle veleprodaja garderobe the Drain This is the last time you say, After the last line you break,

—————- In anticipation of her biggest day in court yet, Laura DeCrescenzo and her attorneys hit the Church of Scientology with 928 pages of new filings —————- Details from 18,000 pages of evidence show how Scientology manipulated a child to keep her working under slave-like conditions —————- A key document describing DeCrescenzo’s unwillingness to have her coerced abortion is missing from the evidence Scientology was ordered to produce By Tony Ortega Wednesday afternoon, Laura DeCrescenzo filed explosive new information in her four-year legal odyssey against the Church of Scientology, submitting 928 pages of new declarations and exhibits in anticipation of a crucial October 23 hearing in her lawsuit against the church which alleges abuse, including allegations that she was forced to have an abortion at only 17 years of age. Key to the new filings is information gleaned from thousands of pages of previously secret files that the church fought veleprodaja garderobe mightily to keep under wraps. But on Monday, the U.
Johnny v. Luka: Who’s nuttier? We were intrigued when we learned that several years ago, Canadian murder-dismemberment suspect Luka Magnotta had professed to be a Scientologist , and wrote in a blog post, “I wished every night that Tom Cruise would adopt me.”
That isn’t the case with Johnny Lewis. The Sons of Anarchy veleprodaja garderobe actor was a second-generation Scientologist, the child of prominent church members of the highest order (they’re OT8’s), and he also had extensive involvement with Scientology’s troubled drug rehab program, Narconon.
You’ve probably heard some of the particulars. Lewis, 28, is suspected of brutally killing his 81-year-old landlady and also ripping apart her house cat. He then either accidentally fell or purposefully jumped off a roof and ended up dead of the fall. Drug use is, not surprisingly, suspected.
— Marc Headley pointed out that Lewis was a frequent participant in Scientology’s internal films: “When I worked veleprodaja garderobe at Golden Era Productions, we shot many projects with Johnny. He was the star of the Film TR-5 – Why TR’s.”
— Johnny was becoming increasingly unhinged veleprodaja garderobe this year, as his criminal history shows. But he also had a history of involvement with Narconon, appearing at a 2004 event to promote the drug rehab program, saying that his mother had used its teachings to keep him off drugs. Narconon has been much in the news lately veleprodaja garderobe after three deaths occurred in nine months at its flagship facility in Oklahoma, the last in July. Multiple local and state agencies veleprodaja garderobe are investigating the center. We’ve reported that Narconon uses deception to lure in unsuspecting patients who think they’re going to get drug counseling but instead get Scientology training. The connection to Lewis is only going to make things even tougher for Narconon at a moment that it’s already under intense scrutiny. Is it any surprise that the church is scrubbing its websites of any mention of Lewis as fast as it can?
— Karen de la Carriere pointed out that Sons of Anarchy ‘s veleprodaja garderobe top producer is John Linson, who is not a Scientologist, but Linson’s sister, Jenny Linson, is very much a well known church member. She provided some of the most entertaining theater on the final night of Anderson Cooper’s 2010 four-part series on Scientology, which featured the wives of defected church executives.
And that has us wondering, with Jenny’s brother running the show, and Johnny Lewis on the cast, are there any other church members on Sons of Anarchy ? Here’s the cast list . We’re too lazy to check it, but we figure our eagle-eyed fellow Scientology Watchers can scan it and tell us what they think in the comments!
KIM….We missed you! I knew there were a few missing I could not quite put my finger on and you are one. Welcome back. And you also more than welcome at the plotting station…I mean Rodeo.. Link here.!categories/Scientology-Rodeo-Watchers-From-the-Village-Voice
According to a “source close to Katy Perry” her song Circle the Drain was at least partly based on ex-BF Johnny Lewis. Another veleprodaja garderobe source says Katy’s too devastated to speak about his demise, but I think the lyrics to the song are pretty right on.
Circle veleprodaja garderobe the Drain This is the last time you say, After the last line you break, It’s veleprodaja garderobe not even a holiday, Nothing to celebrate. You give a hundred reasons why, And you say you’re really gonna try. If I had a nickel for everytime, I’d veleprodaja garderobe own the bank.
You fall asleep during foreplay, ‘Cause the pills you take, are more your forte. I’m not sticking around to watch you go down. Wanna be your lover, not your fucking’ mother. Can’t be yo

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The first single with Christmas themes that sang Leona Lewis is titled One More Sleep. On the eve of the great holiday in Western Europe bigw careers and the United States is celebrated bigw careers on December 25, appeared album titled Christmas, With Love. One More Sleep is one of the three original tracks on the album, while others are remakes of her favorite Christmas songs made in the style of the hit of Mouton, the publishing house that dominated the seventies.
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Sunday, November 30, 2014

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