Sunday, June 29, 2014

S truktur in this model range from high to low, the teacher initiates phase; move from phase to pha

This model is designed for students in social studies and suggests a method of case studies, reminiscent of legal education. Case studies involving social problems in areas where public policy should be made (fairness and equality, poverty and power etc.) They are led to identify the public policy issues and the options available for dealing with them and the values that underlie the those options. This model can be used in any area where there are issues of public policy, because of ethical example in science, business and sports food basics locations etc. Information from other sources: The model is based on the conception of a society where people of different views and priorities and values legitimate social values conflict with one another. Resolve complex, controversial issues in the context of social order requires productive citizens who can talk to each other and managed to negotiate their differences. Common areas Racial Issues Religious and ethnic conflicts and ideological conflict Conflict between individual security groups Health economics, education food basics locations and welfare of the nation Security Other
B. SYNTAX M eskipun exploratory dialogue confrontational attitude of students' is the heart of the model inguiry jurisprudence, several other very important activities, such as helping students formulate their attitude ultimately defend and help them revise their position after the argument. basic model includes six phases of the natural D phase, teachers introduce students to materials food basics locations of cases by reading a story or narrative history aloud, watching food basics locations movies depicting controversial incident value, or disscusing an incident in the life of the students, school, or community. The second step in orienting students to the case to review the facts by describing the events in this case, to analyze who does what and why, or act out controversy natural D phase two, studens synthesize facts into a public issue, characterizing the values involved (eg, freedom of speech, to protect public welfare, autonomy, or equal opportunity), and identify conflicts between values. on the first two phases, the students have not been asked to express their opinion or take a stand. Natural D phase three, they were asked to articulate a position on this issue and state the basis for their position. In the case of school finance, for example, students may take the position that the state should not regulate how much each school district can spend on each child as this would constitute an unacceptable violation of local autonomy. Natural D phase four, positions explored. teachers now shifted to the confrontational style because it probes the position of students. in enacting the role of Socrates, the teacher (or student) can use one of four patterns argumentasion.
F ase five consists of refining and qualifying positions. This phase is often flows naturally from the dialogue food basics locations in phase four, but sometmes teachers may need to ask students to restate their positions. Ementara S phase five grades food basics locations explains reasoning in position, phase six further tests to identify the position of the factual assumptions behind it and examine it carefully. teachers help students check whether the positions they hold up under the most extreme conditions imaginable. E nam stage of the investigation the model can be divided into anaslysis jurisprudence (phase one, two, and three) food basics locations and argument (phase four, five, and six). activity food basics locations analysis, which occurs food basics locations in the form of careful discussions of values and issues, preparing material for exploration. argument, made in a confrontational style, seeks to generate the strongest possible stance
Syntax jurisprudence Model 1. Orientation for case 2. 3 Identifies problems. Taking a stand 4. Exploring underlying attitudes taken position 5. Refining and qualifications of the position 6. Testing assumptions about facts, definitions, and consequences. Reaction Maintaining a strong intellectual climate in which all views are respected; avoid a direct evaluation of student opinion. See that the issues food basics locations are thoroughly explored The substance of student thinking through questions of relevance, consistency, specificity, general food basics locations definition clarity and continuity.
S truktur in this model range from high to low, the teacher initiates phase; move from phase to phase, however, is dependent on the ability of students to complete the task. after exprerience with the model student should be able to carry out the process without assistance. thus gain maximum control of the process. strong social climate and confrontational

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