Friday, January 3, 2014

Jamaican mobile store Excise Act, 73 of 1941 defines rum as

Alcoholic beverages made from natural products such as corn, sugarcane, rice, barley, rye and other grains existed since time immemorial. The British, however, were the first who started the production of rum from fermented sugarcane. In fact, the word "rum" was first used in Barbados in 1620., To describe the rude, obnoxious and overwhelming drink from sugar cane juice. Although the exact origin of the word rum is not known, it is believed derived from the English word "rumbullion", which means "great confusion." (It should be noted that the Latin "sugar sugar", another vozmozhnot origin of this word).
Slaughter drink, Jamaican rum, also known as "kill the devil," and it was used to trade with the young American colonies to buy salted fish, pork, beef, timber and live skota.So time processing method improved the quality of the drink has become more attractive and populyarnym.Mount Gay from Barbados, Alcoholic beverages company claims to be the oldest mobile store rum producer, referring to the technological equipment installed in place of their current office, which relates to 1703. Appleton Jamaica rum, originates from 1749, is the second mobile store oldest manufacturer of Martinique and St James rum is the third (1765).
In 1893, 90% of 31, 555 acres of land, which was cultivated sugarcane, sugar estates belonged, who had their own mills and alcohol distilleries. At that time there were about 148 factories located in Jamaica. mobile store In 1948 there were only 25. Since then, the number of plants more down to 5, but the perfection of technology, the number of Jamaican rum produced increased. Jamaica now produces a wide range of rum in the world. In fact, the island has the ability to produce up to 50 million liters annually Jamaican rum. Jamaican rum is currently marketed in more than 70 countries worldwide.
Jamaican mobile store Excise Act, 73 of 1941 defines rum as "alcohol purified exclusively from sugar cane juice, molasses, sugar cane or sugar cane waste, on the strength of no more than 150% of the alcohol."
To make Jamaican rum, sugar cane juice is heated to boiling, as a result it turns into a thick syrup, allowed to ferment. The resulting product has about 6% alcohol, which is converted into the distillation rum, with a sharp taste, a clear, colorless liquid with about 80% alcohol. White rum (popular in the local market) - basically, this product is diluted to 40% alcohol. Gold Jamaican rum obtained mobile store from holding a clear liquid in oak barrels and oak absorb liquids. The darker, the more difficult the process of fermentation of molasses and sugar combination in Jamaican rum stored in oak barrels. Fermentation of other substances in the molasses can improve mobile store the taste and aroma of rum. Jamaican mobile store and other full rums are aged in large barrels (to 111.6 gallons) called "barrels" and distilled between 140 º and 160 º set the strength, distilled in kuby.Eta practice that dates back to the 17th century. Today more advanced mobile store light fotokolonny used. Full rum obtained by natural or what is called the "wild" fermentation instead of instilling cultural yeast (yeast come from the air and raw materials) used in a light rum.
Development of the rum industry can be traced back to 1825 when the wheelwright, who lives in St. Anne opened a tavern in a residential area bustling seaport and commercial center of Kingston. His name was John Ray. It is known that Kingston was home to one of the most famous theaters in the New World, Theatre Royal, who took the 1770 British touring countless companies who have made their first appearances in Kingston, on the way to Boston and New York, Ray built his tavern nearby. This tavern was appropriately called "The Shakespeare Tavern." This area, known then and now as the parade was a favorite meeting mobile store place for locals. Parish mobile store Church and also had a large market nearby. In 1860 Ray became a successful trader Jamaican rum, and he took his business 22-year-old nephew, Charles James Ward. By 1862, he made him his partner and their combined business has become known since then as "D. Ray and nephew." Shortly after Ray retired, and in 1870, when he died, Ward established full control over the business, with headquarters in his tavern.
Charles James Ward was a talented entrepreneur and his tenure marked a period mobile store of dynamic growth for the "D. Ray and nephew." Ward turned his legacy, taverns and liqueur-vodka production, one of the largest commercial enterprises in Jamaica, which is used by local and international recognition. In 1862, at the International Exhibition in London, "D. Ray and Nephew" won three gold medals in the 10, 15 and 25 liters

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