To always be the "wife" does not seem easy when it comes to a partner who is a heavyweight. That's former Chancellor Helmut Kohl (81), in every respect. Last week a biography about Hannelore Kohl: "Die Frau an seiner Seite" above "Das Leben und Leiden der Hannelore Kohl 'written by Heribert Schwan that the couple knew well and with whom Hannlore confidential details talked about it with others shared. On July 4, 2001 Hannelore Kohl committed suicide at the age of 68 years in the Kohl-bungalow in Ludwigshafen. Her husband was at that time in Berlin. Her belief in a miracle to her illness - a slight allergy - overcoming depression besides she has lost. She could not because of her illness during the day out and so the interviews were conducted with Schwan during her walks in the evening and at night. In 2002, shortly after her suicide, appeared as a book about her. Dona Kujacinski und son Peter Kohl tried to understand the choice. Hannelore Kohl who had made This new book that the author wrote, in close consultation lynnwood mall with the Kohl family gives an intimate picture of the life of her. "Es lynnwood mall fällt mir sehr schwer, nach 41 Jahren Dich zu weld. Aber ein langes Siechtum in Dunkelheit will ich mir und Dir ersparen "Furthermore she writes." lynnwood mall Ich danke Dir Hilfe für fell, Zuspruch und Deine Versuche, mein Leben zu erleichtern. Zusammen mit Dir habe ich viele Jahre gute gehabt, und auch schlechte Zeiten haben wir durchgestanden. Ich danke Dir für ein Leben mit Dir und an Deiner Seite - fuller Ereignisse, Liebe, Glück und Zufriedenheit. Ich liebe Dich und Deine bewundere lynnwood mall Kraft. lynnwood mall Möge erhalten bleiben sie Dir. Du hast neither viel zu tun. "This is a part of her farewell letter at all is printed in the book and that a desperate and hopeless woman shows. The book also shows a woman who has always made subservient to her great husband. A man who always wanted to spend as they wanted to go somewhere else by itself. (Often staged) holiday at the Wolfgangsee A woman whose 12-year-old just before the end of the second world war was raped by soldiers and Rusissche "who einen Zementsack" was thrown out the window by these men. All in all a shocking picture of a woman that the burden of life could no longer bear.
21. June 2011 - Posted by Bart van Meurs | Culture Info | Die Frau an seiner Seite, Dona Kujacinski, German, Hannelore Kohl, Helmut Kohl, Heribert Schwan, light allergy, former Chancellor, Peter Kohl, suicide
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