Friday, December 13, 2013

... Friday afternoon I got on the bus Dani Vienna. Had it not sensitive farewell bigw catalogue to

Now jump one time and leaving a substantial seven events, bigw catalogue I write about what interested anyway mindnekit better than what it was in Hungary, but then I write it is because the thing is worth a few words. So it all started with that ....
... Friday afternoon I got on the bus Dani Vienna. Had it not sensitive farewell bigw catalogue to the family, the bus is pretty much everyone I called around, and I said goodbye. bigw catalogue Great weeping was not real. Vienna familiar with the arguments bigw catalogue we elmetróztunk much of Alex, my girlfriend live there. There was great joy dumcsi whatnot. I painted the hair, then we can relax nicely midnight we left half the height of the Viennese night. The place that we looked out for the first time it was closed. We walked a bit, again in a week azelőtti magassarkús solution, I mention it again. Terrible! : D Elmetróztunk a place, which is the gathering place of entertainment, it could be sorted. We went into one of them, elnézelődtünk, were resolved, then visited another location. Coyote was the name of Alex and I really liked it, I mean just the name. Elücsörögtünk for a while, bigw catalogue listening bigw catalogue to the music félretró, then when we went to the local second miracle, we left and went back to the other, the name of which I can not. R'n'B music said, shaking his jónép small buttocks properly, the DJ was black, bigw catalogue and the audience is enough. I liked the place, I felt good, but I think all three of us can say.
We left home around three hours, everyone was tired drops. I took off my shoes to small again, but only until the subway was expected, and this time I was wearing a red (!) Socks. We got home, I have something important to check on the net, then knocked out. My last night in Europe. It did not take much, after about two hours of sleep successfully, painfully kelhettem literally up. I put together the motyómat and headed to the airport. Now all alone. Bus, subway, train, airport. I bought a water neteztem, and I heard that the kajáldások almost all Hungarian. He did not even surprised anymore. I handed my suitcase, I changed money, checked in, I got a window seat. We got time, I almost passed out in the first minute. I was awfully tired. It did not hurt my heart for him, it was all cloudy anyway. We got a sandwich and a cup of tea or coffee. Actually, I was happy because you did not have anything. I flew an hour and a half, and I was in Düsseldorf.
Átmasíroztam C sector, the department átszállásos, settled in to a wall outlet and wanted to get on the net. I bless my mind, I took myself to the German netemet, how lucky it was because there was no wi-fi, these Germans from kispórolják. A few hours with this suited me well, then I packed up and went to the boarding bigw catalogue gate. Wrote one hour delay ... Ójee ...
I turned on the computer again, he had called a counter point, because I'm átszállásos. In front of me is very vacakoltak, I stood there for a while, and some people were just in front of me. I sat down again machine, I wrote bius, expected to be late, and if I get of New York, accommodation in touch. Then began the takeoff was a good little spot, I sat alone and both pillow and blanket I could use for the convenience: D The trip was roughly fast, the pilot is it drawn just feel there an hour late, as it originally was, without delay have. Twice distributed food, sight Guszti was, but it was awful taste. Call me right I ate because I was hungry. Then I slept, ate, slept, and watched bigw catalogue the screen where we slept, I was cold, got into a position I was sleeping. Then we got out after 7 and a half hour flight. I did not see much because it was all bloody cloudy, but with a little beach beficcent, cute houses. NewYorkból unfortunately nothing. I was reminded of the famous September 11, could have found that up to this machine is something higher, vertical landing site ... But at the same time I arrived. I remember when I point fall on the day of the ten-year anniversary of Subway gubbadtam America and dreaming ...
It was a bad landing, both cameras. It was a "we're not going to stop" feeling. There is no special feeling for the cast to arrive, the excitement alone where the nearest bathroom, but really. Then I joined the six-lane, wall-to-wall kacskaringózós bevándorlásos line. Hung out over one hour.
I caught a nice guy who, no extras asked what I would melózni and where. He said that he was sorry that I'm so far away, I could give him a discount on the job site. Herold humor ... I ran, grabbed my small suitcase and went out dragging. I decided to go into semi-cab, the famous yellow and szállásomig, and I decided to head what is the maximum price at which I jump. No, it was a $ 51 cab, and it did not fit me in my head made frame. I felt sorry because it's meant to go to the subway. I boarded the AirTrain from which he took the subway. Two stops was this 8 terminal where I was. I would add my suitcase wheel was broken off, vízhólyagos hand v

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