Friday, December 20, 2013

Federal willowbrook mall stores Chancellors: Adenauer, Brandt, Kohl, Merkel and others! Adenauer, E

Federal willowbrook mall stores Chancellors: Adenauer, Brandt, Kohl, Merkel and others! Adenauer, Erhard, Kiesinger, Brandt, Schmidt, Kohl, Schroeder, Merkel ... These are the names of the eight post-war German Federal Chancellors. In this article, the different "Federal Chancellor" of Germany are discussed, with attention willowbrook mall stores given both political willowbrook mall stores and economic developments. German Chancellor Adenauer to "Frau Kanzlerin 'Merkel: all about their success willowbrook mall stores and setbacks read here!
The eight postwar Federal Chancellors (Federal Chancellor) are: Konrad Adenauer: 1949-1963 Konrad Adenauer was the first chancellor of (West) Germany after World War II. Originating from the Christian-conservative party CDU, developed the politician born in Cologne as Chancellor effective, but also somewhat authoritarian style of political leadership. Spearhead Adenauer was called "Westbindung ', the integration of the West German Federal Republic in western communities. Adenauer's government was internally supported by a parliamentary willowbrook mall stores majority of CDU and the liberal FDP party. Adenauer, willowbrook mall stores nicknamed der Alte husband, died in 1967. Ludwig Erhard: 1963-1966 Ludwig Erhard (CDU) under Adenauer had played a prominent role in the revival of the German economy as Minister of Economy since 1949: the so-called economic miracle, combined with free, but social market economy: the social market Wirtschaft. As Chancellor Erhard cigar smoking was less successful: both are blind political orientation on the United willowbrook mall stores States, as well as several economic setbacks, hastened the domestic opposition to his coalition of CDU-FDP. Kurt Georg Kiesinger: 1966-1969 Kurt Georg Kiesinger led from 1966 to 1969 a 'grand coalition' (große Koalition) of the CDU and the social democratic SPD. In this capacity, he, along with ministers Franz Josef Strauss (CSU) Finance and Karl Schiller (SPD) of Economic Affairs, was responsible for a strong recovery of the German economy. Government-Kiesinger also searched cautious rapprochement with some Eastern European states. Kiesinger was not without controversy: the CDU politician willowbrook mall stores had been a member of Hitler's party, the NSDAP in the thirties willowbrook mall stores and forties. Willy Brandt: 1969-1974 Willy Brandt (SPD) was the first social democratic Chancellor of Germany. Brandt, former mayor of West Berlin, was known for his Ostpolitik as chancellor: Supported by treaties and symbolism normalization of relations between West Germany and eastern states as the Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Brandt was honored in 1971 with the Nobel Peace Prize, but resigned in 1974 as head of government willowbrook mall stores of the SPD-FDP coalition, after his closest advisor willowbrook mall stores G. Guillaume willowbrook mall stores as an East German spy was unmasked. Brandt made the reunification of Germany, and it died in 1992. Helmut Schmidt Helmut Schmidt 1974-1982 was the successor of Brandt as SPD Chancellor and leader of a government of SPD and FDP. Schmidt as Chancellor was marked by a pragmatic character, who because of his charisma also CDU voters are able to bind. The government-Schmidt conducted a sober economic policy and pursued a political middle course between transatlantic bond (U.S. aid) and Ostpolitik. Biggest domestic challenge Schmidt was the Red Army Faction willowbrook mall stores or Baader-Meinhof Group, a radical left-wing willowbrook mall stores terrorist group that could be. Contested only with the greatest difficulty Helmut Kohl: 1982-1998 Helmut Kohl (CDU) was followed in 1982 by Schmidt as Chancellor, after a majority of the German Parliament - partly in response to economic adversity - the position of the latter is no longer supported. Kohl's greatest merit was his optimistic leadership and influence on the development of German reunification, which after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, a year later would lead. The united Federal Republic of Germany Kohl, in favor of NATO and European integration, Germany willowbrook mall stores took an acceptable partner on the international stage. Kohls successes, however, are overshadowed by a major financial scandal (Spendenaffäre), where it was announced that Kohl's party, the CDU, was funded by several illegal and questionable political contributions. Gerhard Schroeder: 1998-2005 Gerhard Schröder, coming willowbrook mall stores from the SPD, was the seventh Chancellor willowbrook mall stores of Germany. Remarkably, the composition of Schröder's coalition government, which the leftist party Bündnis 90/Die willowbrook mall stores Grünen promoted to partner government for the first time. Schröder failed to curb unemployment in Germany, however, he knew - to keep long solid foundation for the position -. Partly by an excellent talent for media appearances Schröder

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