Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blog Byzantine marks n spencer and Post-Byzantine culture and meet arhitektura.Shte articles, books

Blog Byzantine marks n spencer and Post-Byzantine culture and meet arhitektura.Shte articles, books, photographs and original materials concerning all etc. "Postbyzantine" area of the Balkans ... castles, medieval churches, frescoes, architecture and art of the Balkan Peninsula ... Namely today countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania ... and why not from Russia marks n spencer Ukraine, Moldova and Italy ... Middle East ... but later :)
One of the few places in the country that can boast of its many preserved monuments of medieval town is Boboshevo.Razpolozheno both sides of the Struma River in and around it are several medieval and late medieval churches, one of which and until now we turned due attention, but remained a monument that far out of sight because we had no time for a day to tour the vsichki.I here that day came in 40 degree heat we get to the cemetery church "St.Atanasii."
Somehow I can not fail to draw attention again and notorious medieval church "Sv.Todor" whose ruins now sadly languish in neglect and carelessness and are a pathetic picture ...
Which we can zaformya enviable number of preserved churches with ensembles marks n spencer of paintings from different periods, which is extremely rare in our country, and is a huge potential, unfortunately still undiscovered and undeveloped for pilgrimage and cultural tourism ... But what do we owe the historic lucky to have just in Boboshevo so many preserved old buildings in the dark time of Ottoman rule ... As if the answer gives us the infamous Michael Keel in his study "Art and Society in Bulgaria during the Turkish period" /S.2002 , p 83-84 / .In it the author states Ottoman marks n spencer register of 1573, where Boboshevo mentioned as a private possession of Esmihan Sultan, daughter marks n spencer of Sultan Selim II / 1566-1574 / wife of Grand Vizier Mehmed Sokolovic. From detailed defter of Kyustendil Sandzak learn that after the then village Boboshevo given as myulk Her Majesty Sultan Esmihan population is exempted from the payment of any taxes and services, such as collection of guys for enichari.V villages of Sultan daughter and forbade access to state chinovnitsi.Defterat indicates the presence of marketplace in Boboshevo, which is not devoid marks n spencer of logic because the then village is located at the exit of the Struma from rocky gorge, a wide flat area and an important artery connecting the two main roads of Balkans - Via Militaris and Via Ignatia ... The presence of these features suggests population to Boboshevo has developed into a favorable social environment, and we see a gradual economic development of the village is the possibility of citizens and guilds, tranquil build temple buildings and to hire costly for him during painter studios for their discharge.
The monastery "St. Dimitar" church "St.Atanasii" marks n spencer existed monastery schools where among the teaching of sciences, were copied marks n spencer and bound books. In 1602 "eropapa" (monk) marks n spencer Nikifor copied a Service and leave it in the church of the Rila Monastery. The manuscript is bound in 1739 by Atanas Boboshevski pop. Particularly interesting are "Boboshevski gospel" by the end of the XVI - the beginning of XVII century, and "Boboshevski Damascene" in 1743, created the church "St. Athanasios" and published by St.Kozhuharov. / Two manuscripts ", Proceedings of Institute for literatura.Kn.XVI, 1985, 147-162 / Most interesting is the question of the dating of the temple ... There lettering, but due to its poor condition, many attempts at deciphering his lead to increasingly confusing conclusions.
As.Vasiliev first temple dates back in the XVII century on the grounds of the Year 1666, which relies under the image of the Virgin Mary on an icon of the apostolic order of then preserved iconostasis, with an image of Deisis. In his monograph marks n spencer devoted to the church "Elijah" also in Boboshevo, Elena Floreva expressed assumption that the frescoes in "St.Atanasii" are created at the same time - in 1678 Svetozar Angelov count as a year of writing 1600 / Church "St.Atanasii" in Bobosheveo - studies and problemi.Izvestiya POIs Kyustendil.2006g.t.XIV / Based on the graphic reconstruction of the inscription of the temple of V.Matutski that hand believes that the church is decorated with frescos in 1590 ./"Za three temples in the valley of the Struma River ".In: Prof.d.i.n.Stancho Vaklinov and medieval Bulgarian kultura.Veliko Tarnovo.2005.452-458 /
Ultimately, those materials can accept the conclusion that the frescoes in the church "St. Athanasios" are created at the end of XVI - the beginning of XVII century, although the question of the exact dating remains open .... The church is located on extensive terrace in the town cemetery, in so Upper neighborhood of the town of Boboshevo. Small basilica church with a semicircular apse. 8 m long.

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