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Photoshop for beginners (Media Marketing) Druzhba quarter of Sofia (Druzhba) city and advertising (Ad & the City) Brussels (Brussels) Center Sofia (Sofia Downtown) boulevards and streets (Boulevards and streets) Galleries shopping rio design and Monuments (Galleries and Monuments ) National Palace of Culture (National Palace of Culture) Education and Science (Education and Science) Temples (Temples) Museums shopping rio design (Museums) Bridges (Bridges) Parks (Parks) Squares (Squares) Entertainment (Attractions) Shopping Malls (Shopping Malls) Transportation (Transport) Residential neighborhoods shopping rio design (Residential Neighborhoods) Caught moments (Captured Moments) Blog (About)
Starting at the back of the former Party House (now the Parliament building with offices and halls) and ends at the roundabout around shopping rio design the monument of Vasil Levski. In the beginning it is parallel to the Boulevard. "Tsar Liberator" and boulevard. "Dondukov" but at the intersection with Street. "Georgi shopping rio design Benkovski" splits and turns left, crosses the "Rakovski" and becomes parallel to "Dondukov".
Halfway along the street is the impressive church "St. Sofia" - the second oldest in the city. In the neighborhood is the square with the Temple-monument "Alexander Nevski". At the beginning shopping rio design of "Moscow" is the garden of the National Gallery of Art (former shopping rio design Royal Palace), whose official shopping rio design entrance is from Sq. "Knyaz Alexander I".
At its end is located the Gallery for Foreign Art. At the corner of "Moscow" and "D. Rakovski "rises oldest Sofia highrise residential building cooperative property (" cooperative ") - Hall" St. Sofia "(mi. 1929) designed by the architect. Lazar Parashkevanov. At the corner of "Moscow" and "Paris" is the home of Kiro Stefanov, shopping rio design the design of architect. Nikola Lazarov - currently owned by the Sofia Municipality. Of "Moscow" shopping rio design 43 is home to Evstrati and Evlogi Geshovi - descendants of Ivan Evstratiev Geshov; now central headquarters of "Nove JSC Holding". Of "Moscow" 47 was located the house of Nicolas shopping rio design Mushanov, one of the famous designs of architect Stancho Belkovsky. In 2005 upgraded - one of the most controversial cases in Sofia on "integration" shopping rio design of an existing building into a new space. Neat little building on the "Moscow" 11, cultural monument thirteen years happily gallery hosts "Crida Art" (founded in 1990). The gallery displays works by the most prominent representatives of Bulgarian art from all generations and is an exciting meeting place for writers, composers, musicians, artists and scientists in time from 1990 to September 9, 2003, when the surprise was closed shopping rio design (the governor of Sofia, Rosen Vladimirov, sell the building to a private person, although it was built with funds from sponsors in 1879, with a predetermined purpose).
The building is the work of architects shopping rio design and Rupelmayer Gruenanger and was an obligatory attribute per device dogma of such royal mansions, to the royal (royal) palace complex as an exhibition pavilion for public cultural contacts prince (king) and his entourage. It is fashionable shopping rio design architecture then similar exhibition pavilions in Europe. From reportage in the newspaper "People's Voice" for the day of the ascent of Alexander I to the throne learn interesting information about the pavilion. And another thing: Dr Mollov, chairman of the municipal council of Sofia, brought specially for the day from Vienna accumulators, put them in the exhibition shopping rio design pavilion and from there to the palace whole out electric garland. First urban electric shopping rio design lighting in Europe! As a presage that in 1896 in the basement of the pavilion will be placed electric dinamomashina of "Siemens", which has supplied later and back, electrical lighting of the palace. Then the building shopping rio design and acquired the nickname "Yuzina."
With the provision of the building of the gallery "Crida Art" aims to restore opinions of the Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality, interrupted its function of exhibition pavilion after the political change on 9 September 1944. Sadly the same date in 2003 , restored power function is interrupted by a deliberate privatization without the knowledge of the Ministry of Culture, the National Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture, the public and the gallery.
Of "Moscow" 33 houses the administration and reception of citizens of Sofia Municipality. Government agencies Str. Moscow shopping rio design are: "State Reserve shopping rio design and War-time Stocks" of 3 and "Archives" of 5. 9 of a British Embassy, shopping rio design which moved there from its former building shopping rio design on. "Vasil Levski".
At the end of the street on the left are the buildings of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University and the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications at Sofia UNIVERSITY
Photoshop for beginners (Media Marketing) Druzhba quarter of Sofia (Druzhba) city and advertising (Ad & the City) Brussels (Brussels) Center Sofia (Sofia Downtown) boulevards and streets (Boulevards and streets) Galleries shopping rio design and Monuments (Galleries and Monuments ) National Palace of Culture (National Palace of Culture) Education and Science (Education and Science) Temples (Temples) Museums shopping rio design (Museums) Bridges (Bridges) Parks (Parks) Squares (Squares) Entertainment (Attractions) Shopping Malls (Shopping Malls) Transportation (Transport) Residential neighborhoods shopping rio design (Residential Neighborhoods) Caught moments (Captured Moments) Blog (About)
Starting at the back of the former Party House (now the Parliament building with offices and halls) and ends at the roundabout around shopping rio design the monument of Vasil Levski. In the beginning it is parallel to the Boulevard. "Tsar Liberator" and boulevard. "Dondukov" but at the intersection with Street. "Georgi shopping rio design Benkovski" splits and turns left, crosses the "Rakovski" and becomes parallel to "Dondukov".
Halfway along the street is the impressive church "St. Sofia" - the second oldest in the city. In the neighborhood is the square with the Temple-monument "Alexander Nevski". At the beginning shopping rio design of "Moscow" is the garden of the National Gallery of Art (former shopping rio design Royal Palace), whose official shopping rio design entrance is from Sq. "Knyaz Alexander I".
At its end is located the Gallery for Foreign Art. At the corner of "Moscow" and "D. Rakovski "rises oldest Sofia highrise residential building cooperative property (" cooperative ") - Hall" St. Sofia "(mi. 1929) designed by the architect. Lazar Parashkevanov. At the corner of "Moscow" and "Paris" is the home of Kiro Stefanov, shopping rio design the design of architect. Nikola Lazarov - currently owned by the Sofia Municipality. Of "Moscow" shopping rio design 43 is home to Evstrati and Evlogi Geshovi - descendants of Ivan Evstratiev Geshov; now central headquarters of "Nove JSC Holding". Of "Moscow" 47 was located the house of Nicolas shopping rio design Mushanov, one of the famous designs of architect Stancho Belkovsky. In 2005 upgraded - one of the most controversial cases in Sofia on "integration" shopping rio design of an existing building into a new space. Neat little building on the "Moscow" 11, cultural monument thirteen years happily gallery hosts "Crida Art" (founded in 1990). The gallery displays works by the most prominent representatives of Bulgarian art from all generations and is an exciting meeting place for writers, composers, musicians, artists and scientists in time from 1990 to September 9, 2003, when the surprise was closed shopping rio design (the governor of Sofia, Rosen Vladimirov, sell the building to a private person, although it was built with funds from sponsors in 1879, with a predetermined purpose).
The building is the work of architects shopping rio design and Rupelmayer Gruenanger and was an obligatory attribute per device dogma of such royal mansions, to the royal (royal) palace complex as an exhibition pavilion for public cultural contacts prince (king) and his entourage. It is fashionable shopping rio design architecture then similar exhibition pavilions in Europe. From reportage in the newspaper "People's Voice" for the day of the ascent of Alexander I to the throne learn interesting information about the pavilion. And another thing: Dr Mollov, chairman of the municipal council of Sofia, brought specially for the day from Vienna accumulators, put them in the exhibition shopping rio design pavilion and from there to the palace whole out electric garland. First urban electric shopping rio design lighting in Europe! As a presage that in 1896 in the basement of the pavilion will be placed electric dinamomashina of "Siemens", which has supplied later and back, electrical lighting of the palace. Then the building shopping rio design and acquired the nickname "Yuzina."
With the provision of the building of the gallery "Crida Art" aims to restore opinions of the Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality, interrupted its function of exhibition pavilion after the political change on 9 September 1944. Sadly the same date in 2003 , restored power function is interrupted by a deliberate privatization without the knowledge of the Ministry of Culture, the National Institute for Protection of Monuments of Culture, the public and the gallery.
Of "Moscow" 33 houses the administration and reception of citizens of Sofia Municipality. Government agencies Str. Moscow shopping rio design are: "State Reserve shopping rio design and War-time Stocks" of 3 and "Archives" of 5. 9 of a British Embassy, shopping rio design which moved there from its former building shopping rio design on. "Vasil Levski".
At the end of the street on the left are the buildings of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University and the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications at Sofia UNIVERSITY
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