Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Norwegian health care is a very democratic and fair, the same course, what Finland also strives

The weather is favorable pico mall for the Finnish pico mall very thorough few days of rain with the exception! I have rotated around the city by bicycle and on foot, and here you can find just as Norwegian small and lovely streets and cafes, as you can imagine. And time flies like the wings of ...
Food is expensive and I was seated in my consciousness for a few trading receipt translated into euros. Few student osteleekaan avocados, nuts and extra virgin olive oil ... right to the fact that alcohol is so expensive, I do not always go here when I was at the bar;-)! Little, however, has become shoppailtua the fall, most of the clothes pico mall are not more expensive than in Finland, and eg. Public transport prices are already quite the same level of Finnish pig expensive buses with.
Schools after the beginning pico mall of the human will begin here to decrease, yet some of the faithful sit jahdeissaan port and cafes are still packed with. Monenmaalaista tourists pico mall visit the nearby shopping center and, among other things Slottsfjelletillä, the city's highest hill to admire the ancient tower and especially the scenery! These pictures are just there, where I found the perfect place to relax in good weather! The views are so beautiful! Southern Norway pico mall is anyway nice when nationalities seen on the streets of many kinds. Director Niki is from Mexico and the department works in three different countries people (no four, if I counted).
The Norwegian health care is a very democratic and fair, the same course, what Finland also strives to be. Differences can be found in, yes. In Norway, the taxes are higher. Resources saved over the place with the same enthusiasm, but, for example, the hospital is non-existent in Norway. Home care for the elderly is also completely free.
The first week of the surgical ward went completely wondering about goods and patient position, the day's activities, patient discomfort and the strange language. I also got a lot already do: take care of surgery wounds, fistulas and distribute medicines. The drugs are known and it is also fun to notice how all the tools (and also the food trade goods) are always in Finnish. Take control of Jani is a really nice, quiet, and certainly learned a lot of her own observation. pico mall Now the free weekend väsyttikin so much that I fell into a coma for 12 hours! Now refreshed in the new week :)!
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