Monday, November 10, 2014

Vampire (Photo credit: virginsuicide photography ) Why do people hate the game of Bloodlines ? I thi

So, I want to tell you about how Bloodlines has changed my life.Okay, I am kidding, but I do want to talk to all you Second Lifers a bit about the game because there is a lot of misconceptions out there. But first I want to share with you a Video I was surprisingly included in. I was horrified at first, golden media 9080 but shortly after I have enjoyed sharing it with friends throughout SL. Enjoy!
I am actually quite thankful for Chargglez, he made me realize how crappy my Mic was. People need to try harder to laugh at themselves I think. This is something else I am thankful to him for; he has made Second Life a little more fun for me.
Vampire (Photo credit: virginsuicide photography ) Why do people hate the game of Bloodlines ? I think it's many things that add fuel to that fire. Perhaps it's because there are idiots who run around SL just sending golden media 9080 out requests because they care more about a stupid blood level than they do people. Maybe it's because golden media 9080 most Groups or Clans in Bloodlines golden media 9080 seem to be so tied up with themselves and how important they are they forget about how important golden media 9080 people are. Maybe it's because Bloodlines is really one of those Pyramid Schemes that have them hand in hand from the people who are suckered into Amway , Excel Communications , or the newest Energy golden media 9080 Drink made from the seeds found in the precious poop of the Galapagos Dragon. (Fus Roh Dah!... Bet you wished you watched the video all the way through now huh?) You know what? I am pretty sure that if I went on these reasons alone I wouldn't play the game either. What I have found is I love the community that can be built around the game.  golden media 9080 I have played the game for longer than my Second Life Age reveals. I was a part of a community when I was in SL before. I had some really bad experiences that included a bad experience with some Clan members in Bloodlines. However, that is in the past and I have learned a lot from it. I think sometimes people just forget there are other people at the other side of the Internet from them. I really actually want to thank these people, because it has really given me a clear view of how to see SL and the games that are played within it's realm. It has helped me to gain knowledge and experience and use it to help others.
I have been a part of several Clans and it has made me realize that there is a lot that you can do to involve people in the process. I have also found that in many cases the process gets in the way of the people. So many times there is so much to do that we forget that there are people to get to know. This is why I created Kohld Day in Hell with my Partner, Alatrina.We are a family that uses the game of Bloodlines to build a community. We try really golden media 9080 hard not to get caught up in the process. There is no real royalty group to speak of. We have no formal golden media 9080 developed land to create a barrier for people. I spend time getting to know people and it's been a labor of love to help in any way I can with them. I get to be involved in their SL lives and often sometimes it bleeds a bit into RL. Being a Bleeder , I find that it suits me. I am blessed to have a family that I have the opportunity to get to know and I will do everything I can to help make this the best experience golden media 9080 I can for them. If you put a gun in the hand of a man does it make them a killer? If you put a fork in someone's fist does it make them obese? I don't think it does anymore than when you put Bloodlines in a person's character account makes that person some lowlife looking to scam you. I want to simply offer a little advice for anyone that is considering Bloodlines or any other SL game. 1. Ask questions and find out what it will cost you in advance. 2. Make sure whatever it is you are looking at has adequate support. 3. Don't just jump into anything. If they don't want to let you think about it then there is obviously something you should be concerned about. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Leave comments, and pass this along to people. We really would love ideas and feedback. Happy Hunting! - Stone
Tale of Two Peoples
Dancing to a DJ with a Different Groove
▼  2014 (15) ►  November (1) ►  August (1) ►  June (2) ►  May (4) ►  April (2) ▼  March (5) Is That The Real You Behind That Avi? About Bloodlines and Amway It Pays to Get Naked Tale of Two Peoples The Kohld's Kronicles

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