Thursday, September 18, 2014

So you can rest assured to buy a Windows phone and take advantage of social media neatly in your po

Consumer point of view, Nokia will offer even more attractive by the fact that Nokia has promised to bring the Windows Phone 7.8 update to all Lumia models. With this update, the older phones are mm. the new Windows bharti retail Phone 8 home screen, which makes the phone more personalized and more modern (see video). In addition, Nokia has continuously applications using the new functions such as navigation camera (read blogipostaus Nokia Sound).
There is therefore a very good Windows Phone phones at an affordable bharti retail price for those who do not want it the most expensive smartphone, but functional, fast and good modern smartphone, which features. Office, Facebook, Maps, Internet Explorer, navigation, Skype, Xbox Live, LinkedIn, Twitter, bharti retail Mese and 7 GB of SkyDrive cloud storage integrated into the pre-phone user experience - and of course, more than 100 000 other applications.
Of course, many also look forward to the future of Windows Phone 8 reticles, the prices of which are probably more expensive, however. But at least users at least the choice to choose their own preferences.
This entry was posted in Hardware, Windows Phone and tagged expensive, cheapest, price, free, Lumia 610, Lumia 710, Lumia 800, Lumia 900, free of charge, which is worth to buy a smart phone, Nokia, update, whether to update, bharti retail Windows Phone 7.5, Windows Phone 7.8, windows phone update. Bookmark the permalink.
Some are excited about the phones from a high level of social media integration, but myself, however, bharti retail little in-depth integration of scruples - how many things are happening the user noticing / knowing? I do not want Facebook to vacuum all sähköpostituttavieni information or to follow anyway Web browsing or other activities if I do not consciously ask you to do so. Succeeds in these phones clearly to shut down and restart FACE et al., Just because for a moment, when you want to be in contact with them, or is turning to the application in the background, following the actions of the user?
This is a good activity to distinguish Facebook and Windows phone activity separately bharti retail that go to the porridge and gruel mixed up. Windows phone on running System is an integrated, in which case it is a handy example. People function, contact information, and I-card, but this does not mean that your phone content to Facebook's use. Absolutely not.
Windows Phone will not publish to Facebook, or any other services without any knowledge of that do you get there specifically for the putting. So, the phone does not update the information automatically to Facebook in the background. When you want to make a status update, so I do it in the phone card and at the same time you decide where it goes.
Windows phone NEVER copy the data from different accounts. For example, a company e-mails and contacts remain in the company account, and vice versa. The phone displays the information bharti retail in one place neatly in several places (Outlook, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail, etc.), but never copy or move information between different services.
You can use the phone, Facebook also available separately for Windows Phone Acquisition downloadable Facebook application, if you do not want to connect your Facebook account to your phone. In this case, you can "go" to Facebook only when you want to, but this is not necessary bharti retail from a security perspective. It's just a different way to use Facebook and the application also has more functions.
When the computer you normally use the Facebook bharti retail browser, bharti retail then all web pages where you will see Facebook's "likes" logo, then you are "monitored". This obviously meant a question? Of course, even in this case, your contacts are not transferred Facebook, etc..
So these two above to explain the basis one could say that, in fact, Facebook's occasional bharti retail use of the Windows phone, either bharti retail with or without application is a "Private" as Facebook's use of the internet browser.
So you can rest assured to buy a Windows phone and take advantage of social media neatly in your pocket. Take care of the service (eg,. Facebook), that service privacy settings are set as you want them to be. Windows phone then automatically follow them.
When you look at the different WP devices ranking operators in the selling, so yhteenlaksettu is significant even though this month s single model is not number one. Lumioitahan are four different models in different price ranges.
If you're talking about a global market share, bharti retail as this blog's focus is on Finland, and these popular phones, high-low prices are valid in Finland. I did not take a position on other countries, when I'm not responsible for them.
You could buy that kind, but if the WP8 and wp7.8 applications of different codes (I've heard Jost, that is) whether the new applications in that wp7.8? How long does the old platform will be updates / new applications (eg. Xbox music)?
In practice, all WP7.x-sovelluk

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