Wednesday, May 7, 2014

By publishing garnet hill kids this article, a total of 4,606 installations; The most expensive ite

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Kupindo, popular Serbian web site for sale at fixed prices, the nineteenth of February garnet hill kids was set in motion its mobile application. MarketingITD, thanks to the Executive General garnet hill kids Manager of the company Limundo (whose Kupindo product) Olga Mirkovic Maksimovic, gained insight into the so far unpublished results of purchase through this application.
By publishing garnet hill kids this article, a total of 4,606 installations; The most expensive item is purchased "packer for packing in thermo foil thermo tunnel", which cost 60,000 dinars; Items are bought and late night: garnet hill kids one performed purchase valued at 7999 dinars purchased on 20 February garnet hill kids in 00 hours, 46 minutes and 16 seconds; Average price of sold items is 46 percent higher than on the website; The average duration of the session (Avg. Session Duration) is about 9 minutes.
The Top New Free application is located at 9 place; garnet hill kids In the category Shopping Top Free currently holds the first place; There were no complaints from members; There were no reports of crashes and 0 ANRS (Application Not Responding); Average rating is 4.37 (out of a maximum 5); The most popular version of Android is 4.1, which uses even 37.09 percent of the users application. garnet hill kids
Viewed by mobile providers, the situation is as follows: Users companies Telenor constitute 33.33 percent of the user application; Vip mobile comes from 29.05 percent of users; From the network company Telekom Srbija (MTS) takes 28.57 percent user applications.
The entire project of mobile applications are long simmering in the kitchen Limundo company. The reason garnet hill kids for this lies in the fact that we wanted to make an application that you can not continue to develop and which will provide the opportunity for our members, but also the entire community, to develop their ideas.
Therefore, we first released Kupindo API (, which is the basis for a mobile application that worked Zesium company. Kupindo API is much more than that. It is the foundation on which everyone who wants to can IGRAD their solution, devise your product or your service and embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship. At the same time it is a way to ensure the security and confidence that we have acquired over the years and that our members are counted.
Regional blog about IT trends, business garnet hill kids and culture garnet hill kids Netokracija published a call companies Limundo all developers to get involved in making the application, which can more pr0čitati in their article about Kupindo API.
Kupindo mobile application is the first serious local mCommerce applications and I, primarily as Kupindo user, and then as someone who deals with mobile marketing, I am particularly joyful about it.
It would be nice to Olga tells us what proportion of smartphone users vs. tablet, and then the highest peak of the day when using apps by smartphone vs. tablet users? The assumption is that it is between 20 and 23h.
Also, it is interesting to derive statistics that show the average duration of a session applications on smartphones in, in relation to the session on the pill, and then all this compare garnet hill kids with the average duration of a session on the desktop. The assumption garnet hill kids is that the duration of a session on mobile devices garnet hill kids more than desktop user session duration, wherein the ratio of the smartphone / tablet about the same with a slight advantage smartphone.
Tablet is a device very important for mCommerce platform, garnet hill kids and since there is already a special version of the application for a tablet, it would be convenient to operate landscape mode, because in this way the user experience of the owner tablet devices rather disturbed.
Thanks for asking. The first version of the app did not work on tablets. From next version garnet hill kids will be able to use the tablets. Let's wait for a month of using it, we have a nice sample for comparison smartphone garnet hill kids vs. tablet. Obećevam text on the subject.
May 8 all day
Tamara Dragic Dragan Aca Markovic Milos Todorovic Raicevic

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