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Information on the web dedicated to unidentified flying objects, constantly stirs interest in this topic. Ordinary citizens are convinced that their governments hide information about contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. So, Frank Raytemayer from Germany for about five years suing the Bundestag, big lots store hours demanding ...
German scientists have developed a special computer program to search for aliens. To use it, enough to have a mobile phone equipped with a camera. According to the scientists, their offspring may find application in the next NASA Mars mission. The announcement was made by ...
You can believe or not believe in UFOs and aliens, but each theory has a right to exist. So, there are several cases, when fatal accidents dead bodies of the victims disappeared big lots store hours to God knows where ... According to one hypothesis, they could steal the representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence. Anyway ...
2012.03.28 | 8 photos
In the U.S. state of New Mexico strange incident happened. On an area of less than one square mile near Las Vegas corpses were found about 120 adult deer, but deer. Other animals were not. Cause mass destruction remains a mystery. But there is speculation that this is due to ...
Stories about contact with strangers often cause mistrust and skepticism. However, some of them are so similar that make you think: what, in fact, happened to these people? For example, many of them describe the same space of the city, where allegedly visited with "brothers ...
In August this year Vitkoski Butch, who heads the Pennsylvania UFO research center, received a letter enclosing the intriguing image. The author claimed big lots store hours that during a recent trip to Iran found the mummified corpse big lots store hours of a tiny creature that is difficult to identify. Perhaps it ...
Recently, there is a growing opinion that the various contacts with UFOs and aliens - just hallucinations mentally unbalanced people. big lots store hours Meanwhile, there are plenty of such evidence from the various officials, including the police. But to enlist in the ...
Foreign media reported that the U.S. government in the near future plans to establish a bureau official "Exopolitics", which will deal with extraterrestrial civilizations. In fact, it is a public recognition of the fact that the Earth is visited by aliens and ...
After 60 years of research, the British authorities decided to close the Ministry of Defense Ufo desk - units, studied the UFO. The fact that agency staff and found no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Meanwhile, reports of contacts with ...
Until now, ufologists and enthusiasts contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations is haunted mystery Cynthia Appleton - normal inhabitant of the British city of Estonia, which, according to her, in 1958, became pregnant by communicating with aliens from the planet Venus. Alas, today, can not find any ...
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