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Stone stores keep getting more into the consumer who loves shopping tjmaxx online. And more and more merchants take into account the consumer who also runs through the old-fashioned shopping. Both parties meet in the large touch screens that are in stores and stones that you can shop online.
Shopping in the stone shopping is not for everyone. Arguments such as' tjmaxx too busy ',' pushy staff "," not enough demand "or" no time "for many people reason tjmaxx to shun the shopping and place their orders. Prefer online But those that are purely tjmaxx online shopping walk thus be of the advantages that the online shopping brings. As oriented service, the fit of clothing and can try out items. "Beautiful retail future!" To combine the offline world and the online store as well as possible a number of stores in America have experimented a few months with a TV-like interactive display in the stone shop. "We are on the edge of a very nice retail future," said Michelle Tinsley, general manager retail at Intel, the Core provides processor for the screens used by include Macy's, Coca-Cola, Adidas and home shopping- channel HSN. No more back and forth Department stores Macy's has a kiosk set up with a 40 inch big screen where consumers can search and select products in different categories and different brands, without having to counter to counter to run. "It is especially designed for those customers who walk into a department store, but prefer to make purchases only, instead of a counter to run and to ask for help," said a spokesman for Macy's. Offline fit, buy online at Adidas Adidas in one of the stores that have a large virtual footwear wall 'located in London and saw two weeks selling a football boot that can be viewed through the wall is increased by 500%. The virtual footwear wall contains a large touchscreen display, and is accompanied by a rack with dummy shoes' for customers to try to see if the shoe fits viewed them. The virtual footwear wall, you get not only a shoe presented in a beautiful way, there is also read and see how the design of the shoe came about and see at a glance the price and available sizes. Also, there is shown a Twitter feed that shows what other customers say about selling shoes. Chris Aubrey of Adidas sees the wall as an "endless aisle" that gives consumers tjmaxx access "to the widest range of products that we can offer." This is because it is no longer tied to the physical size of the warehouse where have to deal with so many stones tjmaxx stores now. More Touchscreen not only for stone shops Despite the (successful) experiments with touch screens in stone stores as Macy's or Adidas, does it do not keep up. Home shopping channel HSN example, there is also participating tjmaxx in the experiments, and they are everywhere except offline active. It has developed an almost five meters large interactive touch screen with a virtual passers pizza can make use of chef Wolfgang Puck, who while obviously used products that are sold through the shopping channel.
HSN does not have concrete plans for the location of the virtual wall, but thinks it could be in a busy, bustling places such as airports, shopping malls, festivals or even film premieres successful.
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